quinta-feira, 11 de junho de 2020


Olá leitores. Volto hoje ao blog depois de quase 2 anos parado. Resolvi escrever sobre dúvida. Nos tempos atuais com esta pandemia, a dúvida tem dominado a mente de grande parte da população mundial. Nunca em nossos mais profundos pensamentos acreditamos que o que está de fato acontecendo seria uma realidade. O que incomoda, além do número de mortes e dos efeitos diretos e indiretos em nossas dias é o seguinte: o que será das nossas vidas no futuro que esta porvir? Esta questão deixa muitos de cabelos em pé, já que não há uma resposta segura e confiável para essa dúvida. A dúvida é um sentimento de alerta. Sabemos obviamente que algo acontecerá no futuro mas nem sempre , ou quase nunca temos condições de assegurar que x ou y aconteça. Acabamos sempre por voltar na variável tempo. O tempo gera a dúvida. Ele avança sem parar queiramos ou não. E esse avanço sem sentido e sem uma direção gera a dúvida. Mas por que raios nós temos que sentir dúvida? Qual a função biológica de não saber o porvir? A dúvida assim como o medo acende uma luz amarela no nosso caminho de vida. Existe uma função protetora por trás desse sentimento. Se ficamos em dúvida procuramos sana-la de alguma forma, seja adquirindo uma nova habilidade, ou consultando alguém com mais experiência. No final sabemos que a dúvida é um desconforto com função protetora. Contextualizando com a nossa pandemia atual podemos dizer que existe uma dúvida coletiva por todos os lados. Pessoas preocupadas com o que será da sua saúde, do seu emprego, da sua vida. Sinceramente, nem eu nem ninguém podemos responder essa pergunta. O fato da imprevisibilidade da natureza dessa existência nos assegura apenas uma coisa: um dia vamos morrer. Todo o restante é imprevisível em diferentes ordens de magnitude. Portanto, se a única certeza é a morte – e nisso não há dúvida nenhuma – precisamos ocupar a nossa vida com o que existe de melhor para podermos perseguir nossas missões existenciais. Certamente que estas são individuais e únicas para cada ser humano, o que aumenta a dúvida com relação ao nosso futuro. Um conceito muito debatido entre autores espiritualistas e mesmo neurocientistas é o fato de tentarmos manter nosso pensamento no agora. Enquanto eu escrevo esse texto estou 100% focado no desenrolar das palavras o que de alguma forma “espanta” a dúvida, já que o momento presente se torna tudo o que há. Portanto a ociosidade aumenta a dúvida e o desconforto enquanto que atividade ou até mesmo a meditação fazem que a dúvida seja anulada na sua intensidade. Impossível no entanto viver sem ter nenhuma dúvida. Como já dito, o controle sobre nosso destino é parcial e num piscar de olhos tudo pode mudar. Procuro enxergar a mudança como forma de evolução. Mudando você é obrigado a confrontar seus valores atuais e se assim desejar e tiver força de vontade, mudar aqueles que pareçam nocivos ou inúteis. Muitas das vezes a duvida se torna o combustível de mudanças pelo fato de ativar esses pensamentos a nosso respeito antes de que algum evento aconteça, adiantando o progresso em meio a situação. Na verdade a dúvida funciona como modulador de nosso atos, já que procura trabalhar diversos cenários possíveis e desta forma permite a tomada de ação, mesmo sem a certeza absoluta mas pelo menos com um guia parcial e possível. No quis diz respeito ao comportamento humano, a dúvida sempre vai existir. Precisamos nos fazer valer do bom censo e talvez da fé e da espiritualidade. Muitas das coisas que nos ocorre não fazem sentido ou não são esperadas. Muito dessa imponderabilidade pode ter origem em uma força divina, além daquilo que podemos compreender. A sincronicidade de alguns eventos em nossa vida parece ser uma das boas formas que a natureza faz para nos avisar. Certamente, há uma lei por trás de tudo, e essa lei é o que as religiões tentam codificar e para que possamos nos guiar. A verdade no fim é uma só: sempre teremos que conviver com a dúvida, em todos os dias e em todas as situações. Não existe caminho pela vida sem enfrentarmos a dúvida de frente. Não podemos deixar que ela nos paralise, mas temos que ter ciência da nossa falta de controle sobre a maior parte de nossa vida. Se há uma lei que governa o planeta que seja justa e perfeita, temos que crer que não saber tudo o que virá na nossa vida tem um motivo plausível e justo de ser. Temos que nos manter sempre serenos para aceitarmos as consequências que a dúvida nos traz, e com isso passarmos por essa jornada chamada vida da forma que melhor nos apresentar. Boa reflexão a todos e confiemos que a pandemia se resolverá da melhor forma possível e no tempo devido.

domingo, 14 de outubro de 2018


Boa noite aos leitores. Estou voltando a este blog e hoje quero discutir uma palavra que está em evidência em meu contexto pessoal e também de nosso país. Transição. Muito tem se observado nos últimos tempos as mudanças que acontecem no nosso meio e a mudança de nossas idéias.  Isso acaba influenciando muito na nossa vida prática. Nesta época de eleições no Brasil, os ânimos se afloraram. Nunca houve tanta participação popular num pleito até onde eu possa me recordar. Esta transição, ou seja, este período que antecede uma mudança no momento futuro é as vezes muito incômoda. Os planos que são gerados em nossas mentes nem sempre (ou quase nunca) batem com a realidade imaginada ou vivida. O planeta está sempre transitando nesta sequência de mudanças. Nossas mentes que são altamente adaptáveis e têm o poder de criar novas estratégias de sobrevivência, entram em estado de alerta uma vez que algo ou acontecimento no obrigue a sair fora da rotina normal. Toda mudança profunda acontece na medida em que um período de transição entre um ponto e outro na nossa história de vida é bem vivido e elaborado. As emoções que visam nos proteger do incerto (em especial o medo e a ansiedade) se exacerbam criando uma atmosfera um tanto confusa e desconfortável. Muitas vezes não aceitamos que nossos planos não dão certo e que a mudança vem também com os erros. A verdade é que nós queremos ao máximo evitar a dor e esperamos que a vida transcorra sem intercorrências graves, sem tropeços, ferimentos, dificuldades. Eu aprendi que as pessoas que enfrentam com paciência as derrotas e contrariedades tem mais chances de se encontrar dentro de si mesmas e se tornarem mais aptas ao enfrentamento. A coragem de passar por uma transição de cabeça em pé e firme no propósito nem sempre é tarefa simples. Eu considero que essa complexidade é aliada nossa na medida em que nos obriga a trabalhar pela melhora, pela evolução. Todos nós nos lembramos de mudanças de casa, de cidade, de escola, de emprego,  de companheiro afetivo e outras mais, e todas estas ocorrem dentro de um período. Apesar da mudança muitas vezes ser pontual do ponto de vista temporal, ela nunca é do ponto de vista emocional e filosófico. A transição é esse tempo que nos ajuda a refletir, a ressiginificar e a dar valor ao que antes não tinha ou o contrário, deixar ir embora o que já passou e que não serve mais. Eu tenho a impressão que quanto mais profunda a mudança maior o período de transição. A forma como cada um se reiventa é única. As mentes confusas, e por vezes brilhantes da humanidade surgiram de pessoas que nunca se viram congeladas na sua história. Sempre devemos estar procurando transicionar de um ponto x para um ponto y na linha do tempo imaginando que isso nos servirá de combustível para que possamos subir degraus em nossa vida.  Constumo pensar que muitas vezes quando você perde, você ganha. A transição de um ponto a outro ajuda, no decorrer do tempo em que as situações se sucedem que essa máxima tenha muito de verdade. O período que o planeta passa também reflete essa questão. Tantas mudanças de constumes, tecnologias e de valores acabam por gerar a necessidade de uma transição. No entanto, dada a velocidade com que estas mudanças ocorrem, acabamos por nos perder em confitos muitas vezes inúteis. E isso acontece não só no nível de sociedade mas no nível de relacionamento interno de você com você mesmo. A expressiva carga de pessoas que hoje se tratam com medicações psicotrópicas e o aumento brutal de diagnósticos psicológicos ou psiquiátricos mostram que a carga de informações e de atualizações de novos paradigmas trava o "hard drive" de muita gente. Isso acaba por prejudicar o entendimento da fase de transição que na minha opnião deve ser gradual para que a mudaçã seja absorvida e interpretada de maneira mais sutil, diminuindo a possibilidade de problemas de adaptação. Hoje em dia a resiliência mental é uma arma poderosa. Não temos tido tempo suficiente para transições. Em geral observo todo mundo aflito, ou receoso. A maior parte se contenta com a rotina segura e repetitiva dos afazeres diários, sejam eles de que natureza sejam. Porém, esta falsa fortaleza da previsibilidade é falha O impoderável está sempre presente em nossa história. Todos passam por momentos de decepção, de frustração que acabam por ser obstáculos a transição bem vivida. O uso da palavra e a necessidade humana  de criar conceitos para tudo, facilita por um lado mas dificulta pelo outro, por trazer a tona possibilidades infinitas. O fato de termos que pensar e colocar prós e contras naquilo que nos aflige, é o que faz a mudança ter sentido. E estes questionamentos surgem com mais força durante os períodos transicionais pelos quais passamos de tempos em tempos. Alguns são mais curtos e simples, e outros demandam alta carga de trabalho para serem superados, seja na esfera mental, emocional ou espiritual. Muitas vezes nos perguntamos porque as coisas acontecem com a gente. Tenho a crença de que a destinação de cada ser é ele mesmo refletido de dentro para fora. Nada além daquilo que somos pode vir de encontro a nós. A lógica da vida é essa, na minha experiência e observando o que acontece com todos ao redor. Todo mundo tem seu fardo para carregar. A vida nunca para de pedir mudança, evolução. Portanto, a transição, aquele tempo que devemos nos reorganizar para eventos e desafios futuros é fundamental neste processo. Aqueles que aceitam com resignação mas ao mesmo tempo como um desafio as intempéries que se apresentam são aqueles que de alguma forma deixarão sua marca durante sua passagem por esta existência. E esta é uma conquista que aqueles que vivem a transição entre um ponto e outro com sabedoria acabam inveriavelmente manifestando em suas vidas. Sigam mudando e vivendo as transições da melhor forma e tudo será reorganizado de acordo com esta experiência. Boa semana a todos!

sábado, 26 de agosto de 2017


2017.  Após 8 meses de ausência de meu blog, volto da inatividade. Existem momentos na vida em que temos de parar. No meu caso específico por diversos motivos não controláveis e que até foram reflexo de meus conflitos durante esse ano. De qualquer forma chego ao final de agosto de 2017 com sabor de que tudo o que acontece com nós  (bom ou ruim por nossa tábua de valores) necessariamente apareceu nas nossas vidas com uma função. Existe sempre um propósito em tudo o que nos acontece, seja algo voluntário ou não. Em muitas ocasiões esquecemos que as vezes perder é ganhar. Sentir dor é quase sempre andar para frente. Enfrentar derrotas é se tornar mais apto a conseguir alcançar novos patamares de excelência dentro e fora de nós. 

A gratidão é dificílima de ser exercitada num ambiente em que existe sinais de sofrimento. De fracasso ou de dor, seja de que natureza for. No entanto, são nessas horas que nós precisamos mudar o nosso filtro. A visão dos fatos sempre pode ser relativizada. O que é bom hoje, amanhã pode não ser. O que hoje nos agrada amanhã pode nos irritar profundamente. Porém, mesmo nas situações em que a nota tônica dos acontecimentos é negativa, existe a beleza da gratidão. Gratidão pressupõe liberdade e resiliência de posições. Pessoas engessadas em seus próprios dogmas de limitação terão dificuldade em enxergar uma dádiva numa doença ou num revés profissional ou pessoal. Mas, de alguma forma, assim como o universo funciona numa harmonia "caótica", nossas vidas em minha visão acabam por obedecer os mesmos princípios naturais. As regras são as mesmas para todos. O planeta harmonicamente ecoa aquilo em que focamos. As próprias partículas subatômicas respondem aos nossos sentimentos predominantes. Você acaba no final atraindo o que você é em essência. Isso significa que devemos ser gratos independente do desfecho que estejamos passando. Porque eles nada mais representam que nossa própria manifestação da realidade, que de fato está dentro de nós e que se exterioriza em fatos, acontecimentos bons ou ruins, dependendo de como enviamos as partículas externas ecoar nossos sentimentos internos. 

A gratidão por tudo que aconteça faz com que a régua de conceitos como o sofrimento sejam ressignificados. É impossível imaginar que num mundo onde as respostas estão no seu funcionamento harmônico possa nos dar situações ou respostas incompatíveis com essas leis que nós nos esforçamos por entender. O comando de tudo está dentro daquilo que damos significado, a medida que nossa vida se desenrola. Felizmente hoje consigo entender que dificuldades são quase inequivocamente meios de se atingir a evolução pessoal e do todo. Não há situações em que não devamos de alguma forma ser gratos. É uma das leis fundamentais para que possamos seguir em frente e viver o próximo segundo de nossa jornada melhores do que o segundo precedente. O contínuo do tempo foi criado para que a pintura da vida que criamos seja como um livro, com começo, meio e fim. Nessa construção de nossa própria história,  sempre existe algo pelo qual devemos ser gratos. Tesouros imensuráveis de fato. Saúde e doença são nuances espelhadas da mesma ferramenta de evolução. Devemos ser gratos pelos dois lados. O lado da luz e da escuridão. O lado da alegria e da tristeza. Esse espectro de sentimentos que tomamos como "ruins" ou "bons" são conceitos humanos. O sofrer pode ser um motivo de gratidão. Por conta de um momento triste podemos redirecionar escolhas, pessoas e objetivos em nossa vida. Desta forma, o sofrer passa a ser uma ferramenta que  apesar de ser rotulada como ruim tem uma função de educação, de fazer refletir, de te levar a ser uma pessoa melhor. 

Sou grato hoje não só pelas conquistas. Sou grato também pelos reveses. Pelas traições. Pelas mentiras. Que sofri e e que pratiquei. Porque todas essas passagens nas nossas vidas provocam resposta. A lei física da ação e reação se opera em dimensões além daquelas visíveis pelos nossos olhos. E elas são muito mais sutis do que podemos nos dar conta. Mas devemos ser gratos mesmo por não conhecer completamente seu funcionamento, porque esse sistema oculto nos permite viver essas premissas sem viéses, na medida em que não estamos preparados ou evoluídos o suficiente para recebermos essas informações na íntegra. A evolução da humanidade quero crer, levará as pessoas a conhecerem essas verdades de forma gradativa. A própria intuição de que isso exista já é um sinal inequívoco de que a verdade mais expandida está sendo revelada. Isso não quer dizer que vamos entendê-la de uma hora para outra. Assim como a tecnologia que hoje nos rodeia evolui e o conhecimento se torna cada vez mais acessível, um maior número de seres começará a enxergar esses fatos curiosos de nossa existência. 

Eu agradeço hoje por tudo que já me aconteceu. Não há um capítulo sequer que eu deixaria de fora. Acredito que a gratidão genuína é essa que não se alimenta apenas das situações que nossa mente lógica racional chamariam de positivas. Há espaço para gratidão em todas as situações que passamos, sem exceção. Nenhuma delas deve ser deixada de lado. Não há como ignorarmos que com um olhar mais apurado, podemos enxergar a beleza da gratidão em tudo que acontece a todo o momento, mesmo que num primeiro olhar tenhamos a impressão de que aquilo nos prejudica, nos humilha ou nos entristece. O design do funcionamento da vida não pode permitir que não existam causa justas para tudo. Imagino que a gratidão quando bem vivida e entendida nos faz aceitar a realidade e nos coloca como co-responsáveis pelo nosso próprio destino. Finalmente, na medida em que a intensidade desta compreensão se expande, estaremos mais próximos de um modo de viver mais interessante e que pode nos trazer as respostas por sinais que nem sempre foram interpretados como positivos, mas que com um pouco de isenção e menos egoísmo, podem ser vistos como caminhos para o crescimento, sendo então passíveis de provocar uma gratidão inabalável.

quarta-feira, 14 de dezembro de 2016



Today, after many months of pause due to work and changes in my life I decided to come back and write. The word today is frequency. Frequency is for me the word, which at the moment means ups and downs. I will take a more broad meaning to frequency that is usually “lato sensu” translated as the cycles per unit of time of some variable. In life we live through diverse ranges of cycles. The frequencies that we attach the most will actually bring the reality in to our face. That means depending on the frequencies of subtle energies around us and that we tune into, the outcomes will be completely different to the good or to the bad range. Usually, human beings are vibrating something 24/7. This can be measured e.g. in our heartbeat or our brain waves. Those vary according to the activity, to the emotions, to the time of the day and due to many other variables that are not until now possible to be measured through some scientific tool. That is where the great challenge starts: we are trained to think in a Cartesian matrix of tools where only perceivable phenomena that can be measured are taken into consideration. That is somehow for me very naive and dumb. We are built with a limited number of receptors, senses, or levels of intelligence.

There are some mysteries still hidden from us that may affect these and that are dismissed due to pure ignorance or skepticism. What this leads us to is to a universal question: what are those frequencies of energy that we don’t consider or don’t accept as real just because we cannot detect? I believe that the answer comes from more “complicated to grasp” senses, such as premonition, intuition, out of body experiences, which still continue open to be properly clarified. The frequencies of energy where those “psych” abilities work are for sure in a range not described to now. So the limited number of possible explanations with the spectrum of energy that are well described at the moment fail to consistently describe such kind of energy flow or information decoding. What I propose is that we are actually the main engines of the fabric of frequencies, which are not seen or detected by any means. So, a group of happy people generates a field of happy frequencies, which in turn affect those near the same range by a simple match resonance. Equally, people with bad thoughts or lower quality feelings will tune and spread the same kind of effect and influence those who “vibrate” in the same range of resonance.

I believe that the future will be of ultra sensible sensors investigating different ways of seeing matter and energy. As stated to date, all particles that compose matter are not steady. They vibrate. Which demands a frequency. Likewise living frequencies of “alive” beings have influence in the vibration or manifestation of “non-living” matter. I think this to be a misconception.  My beliefs turn to a world where every bit of matter is alive. In different realms of realities. Even though we may not understand it today, I think this will be the next step towards a construction of a better world indeed.  If everything is alive, that means everything affects everything in a way not detected. So unanimated things have the power to absorb information from alive beings, and vice-versa. This is of course a speculation at the moment, but which makes sense to me after my life experience so far (which is nearly close to 40 years).

The individual choice of the frequency range is ultimately picked. We have the choice. That is the beauty of alive creatures. They have freewill. And this choice making is crucial at every moment. That is what will determine what will resonate or not with you. Which kind of person will be around. What kind of life experiences one will have. Essentially the whole reality that we see/experience may be construct not yet clarified, which is a kind of hologram that translates the predominant frequency of vibration of this out of detection range spectrum. To conclude, I propose some tips on how to vibrate properly. And it seems to me very simple. To mimic nature. If we understand the cycling properties of all nature matter, alive or not, we may have a path guide to follow.  To flow within experiences in combination with all kinds of matter or energy (solid, liquid, gas, plasma, radiation, heat, cold, electromagnetic and beyond), in a randomized but balanced way, may also help into the understanding of those particularities of the invisible frequencies that may play a crucial role on our lives. I do hope and wish (I am actually creating a frequency here as I write this) that all people who are deeply into “the search”, can use this theoretical and still to be proven model to modify the reality they experience here on their lives.

quinta-feira, 25 de agosto de 2016


Today I am back. Since 2 weeks I came back to Brazil. And because of this 100% change in my life that is happening right now I decided to write about courage. Courage is to live in the abscence of fear. That is the most amazing decision someone can take in life. Unfortunately,we are taught since early age to fear. To back off when something or someone is going to cause you pain or debt. That is the worst option for you to overcome yourself. When you walk away from your pain, your are in fact saying no to yourself. You are saying no to the things that you know that need to be fixed. You are saying no to destroy the misconception that the only way is the safe way. I completely disagree with this statement. For me, the best way is the way you face the fears with courage. Courage is the attitude, which is deeply associated with fullness. 

The courageous people are those who challenge the mainstream beliefs. The more traditional way of behaving, of making choices, in the essence of living. Our time frame in this existence is very short. Because of that, there is no time to think too much and  to give up on something, which at first seems crazy or ridiculous. In fact, when people laugh at your dreams is a good sign. Is a sign that you can dream where others can only see problems or difficulties. A  courageous person is strong in every aspect. Is a person with personality. Is someone who faces the challenges positively, and who never give up until everything has been attempted. A courageous person has a magnetic attraction. He can attract everything to the reality, in the way he chooses. This happens because all boundaries are completely set to the side, and new rules are applied in order to make things and thoughts to become a reality. In fact, they like to be challenged because they will develop the courage to change perspectives to achieve the goals they have. And no matter who or what problem tries to stop him, he moves forward. He is like a gladiator, a fighter, a jedi. 

Because in the heart of a coraugeous person lies a spirit of happiness and strenght, There are some turn downs yes, but they do not stop him.  Even very hard hits from life cannot make them to fall. A corageous person goes with the natural flow of things. He can perceive much more than the majority. This happens because his awareness is wider and more adaptable. He can change directions quickly and use his skills to change plans, change the reality to a better one. There is no loss. Loss is an oportunity to learn. In fact, corageous people live on their failures, because they do not give up and therefore, they keep going no matter what.  In the end, the most amazing sign of courage (and I have already mentioned this in other texts in the past) is tha ability to be vulnerable and to show yourself as you are. People are afraid and do not have the courage to show what they are. They prefer to play a game where they are only caracters of some ideal role, which is not the true self they are. The true self fails. He has a lot of difficulties, defects and limitations. But those do give him something to proceed and to win. The victory comes when you find and accept from deep that you are a limited being. You have fears. The greatest courage is perhaps the acceptance of fear. And then the fear is transformed in one different dimension, which is not a negative one anymore.It is a positive, good energy that works as a fuel  towards  new endeavours. Only those who are brave can actually go through such an adventure. Finally, this is very individually tailored, but the way you face it will make all the difference through the adventure of life. I am now living a very challenging situation, but somehow, I face it with positivity to the best I can. It is not easy, true, and that is why very few decide to try. Thus,  the courageous people will gather something the cowards or the actors of life don't: experiences. And those are the only gifts that can NEVER be stolen from you. It is the only true treasure we collect through this life. I am gathering many experiences and I wish to all that with courage you can also collect this priceless gift that we are offered from life.

domingo, 7 de agosto de 2016



The word today is duality. It has been sometime since I wrote my last post. This was due to many reasons, but projects like this are for the lifetime and never end. So let's move on. The word duality is a good pick to make a wide discussion. We have been bombarded with news every day, and they are more or less divided into two groups: good and bad news. We are also a dual society in many aspects. There are always the hard worker and the lazy, the honest and the cheater, the good guy and the evil, the selfish and the generous. The list is endless. The point is that duality is the way we organize many of our day by day activities. We prioritize what is very important and postpone or cancel those things that are not so meaningful or heart catching. The problem with duality is that it works in many occasions as a binary system, similarly as computer language works: you either classify something as 1 or 0. That is very extreme in a sense that in between you have a full range of options, which are also in the end valid options. I usually have problems to figure out someone's else real message because of that. Maybe a 1 to me is a 0.6 to you. Or the 0 to you is a 0.7 to me. This leads to a very important issue: communication skills. Many of our misunderstandings in life occur due to the misinterpretation of duality. This means that I may say "the sun is yellow" and in your mind may wrong interpret "the sun is blue". This usually happens because the duality scale from the receiver and the person who talks are not matching. This creates a lot of problematic events, which lead us to face unnecessary problems. The core problem end up being how to put out the message in a way that you can achieve a "close" to universal binary communication system, where the receiver can really understand in its completeness what is being informed. In the era of instantaneous messaging or e-mails this becomes more tricky. The binary system of a text or a what's app is far more difficult to interpret. That said, it is much wiser to give information in person or through skype when the information involves complex issues, especially those involving conflicting feelings. Duality awareness is a term that I want to come with. This concept would  essentially lead to this: It is important, do not text, talk. It is no major issue: texting is fine. However, here comes another problem: Once you decided to classify something into important or not you are again "binarizing" ! So, if we think deeper, that means that we are in an infinite dimensions matrix of binary options that are impossible to predict. Each one of us runs a different operating system in our brains, due to the beauty of individuality. This a nature law, which cannot be changed. It makes even identic twins, with the same DNA code in their bodies, behave slightly or even completely different. The best way to reverse the bias of this matrix is to develop a very important emotional skill: empathy. Empathy demands you to work from your matrix to understand a different person matrix, trying to cope at the best possible way.  In real life the goal is to match what the receiver would feel or think when you do or tell something. Probably the best practical rule for that to work in practical situations is to follow one of the bible's laws: do to others exactly what you would like that they would do to you. Or even better: do to others what you would do to yourself. This does not guarantee that the outcome will be 100% successful. But at least you will be based on a theoretical framework, which seems to be reliable: your own set of values, (hopefully towards the good side of the options range, unless you are a masoquist!). Then it comes to the quintessential skill: to know yourself. With self-development you are able to act more authentically. With no masks. "Raw" you. So duality is there, ever was and ever will be. But in the information era, is almost a mortal sin to communicate inefficiently with others. Especially the close ones, family, work colleagues and mainly your love partner. So realize that your binary matrix is different. Accept it. And from that try to observe how to empathize with others by applying your own values mirrored into a different human being. By showing your nude identity you may still fail, but you will eventually succeed. If you fail a certain feeling will arise from deep: I did what I am. That, my friends, is priceless. Nice Sunday to all!

domingo, 27 de março de 2016


Dear blog readers let’s talk about anxiety! Today is Easter and because of that many of us are spending time with our families and friends. Due to the fact that is not my case at the moment, I decided to use my free time to help others and myself as well with this new text.  I hope these reflexions can lead us to become better persons, today that we celebrate the rebirth of Christ. 

Well, where does anxiety come from? From a biological point of view it comes from an over activation of our warning system. We are equipped with a complex group of hormones and those are chemicals in our body that regulate some of our autonomic responses; those that we cannot consciously control. The effects that hormones of stress usually activate are heart rate increase, body temperature changes, sweating glands activation and many others. The thing is that anxiety; because of being an over reaction becomes very annoying. It makes our body to become accelerated and ready for the danger. It generates a feeling of prediction, usually biased to the negative outcome. It informs that something may harm us somehow in the future, so that we become ready for the fight/flight stress response. But I would say anxiety is annoying and unpleasant because even though the self-defense system makes sense from a survival point of view the anticipation of the possible harm outcome makes it unnecessary in a great number of occasions. In some situations it makes us fail to response accordingly, to react without reasoning or to postpone a decision fearing the consequence. It is a break that stops many of us to enjoy life experiences to the fullest. 

The psychological part of anxiety is also very interesting. My readings have taught me that anxiety is “excess of future”. The time frame we are inserted in makes us to live a lot of times out of the now. When the attention is taken towards the future, anxiety appears. Similarly, excess of past leads to depression, but for now I will just leave it for other text. The problem to live according to the future (actually to the expectation of what the future might be) freezes many of our actions. We fear and do not risk because of that. And even worse, we live an illusion. The life as we know can happen only in the now. I know that the society has been told that we should also take precautions to avoid pain of any sort in the future. That is why we have savings accounts (money for some emergency), car insurance (in case we hit the car), life insurance (in case we die and our family suffers) and so on. This is neurotic. This is no life. To make plans is very wise, yes, but cannot rule our life. The risk taking must be developed in such a way that we dare to take steps that are usually out of our comfort zone NOW. Otherwise, we are living like a plastic flower, who may look very beautiful but has no life inside. It is a theoretic way of experiencing life. And anxiety is the reflexion of the amount of importance we give to the future over the present moment. But, it is of vital importance to notice that we live a sequence of NOWS, and not in any other time construct. Excess of past=depression. Excess of future=anxiety. This belief is so into our society that the bestseller drugs in the market are either antidepressants or anti-anxiety pills. We have become a society out of the present moment and that has turned a great portion of the population sick. Anxiety is just the tip of a bigger problem. And this leads not only to legal drugs consumption, but also alcohol, gambling, smoking and ilicit drugs, to name a few harmful consequences of being out of the now towards the future. 

The cure? It is not in any of those strategies. The cure resides on our effort to understand that life is risky, has many dangers along the way and those cannot be predicted. One must face it and to take action, which in my opinion is always better than the “watch and see” approach. Anxiety can be controlled, only when we understand that there is no reason for us to worry too much because of the upcoming events. As long as we are in tune with our values and life goals, things will naturally resolve. And then anxiety simply dies, due to the fact that the future will be there anyways but we decide not give the future any power to put us down. So, relax, take the present moment seat and enjoy what you can NOW. Wish you all a nice Easter!

domingo, 13 de março de 2016


Dear blog readers. Today it is a special day for Brazil. Those who are brazilians have been following the corruption scandal involving the former president, Lula and the worker's Party. I want to do now a reflexion using this as background theme, but in one attempt to expand the real complexities under the term freedom in my view. To start, I want to say that I consider myself free to write and to think on my own way. As this is a reflexion about freedom, I am also considering that many may not agree and I respect their freedom to choose so, with no bad feelings. What I think is happening is that the concept of freedom has been lately taken in to the wrong direction. Many of us believe that freedom is the possibility to do whatever we want without asking someone's else opinion and in accordance to our own desires. In humans, this system is way too complex. The variables are in my view not possibly to be organized in such a way where we can eliminate all the bias. The perceivable bias relies mainly on where we were born, how we were raised/in what kind of culture and what were the values/beliefs thought to us along our childhood and adolescence in order to create our  adult identity. Add to  that the fact that this is also not enough to explain everything. In my studies of many writers and alternative science readings I have found out that the concept of self-construction goes way beyond any boundaries we know in formal academia. I would include, even though there is no scientific proof, that we have a self-awareness identity even before we were born. I dare to suggest that because of biological reasons. When we get to check two identical twins, with exact the same DNA code into their billions of cells, we should assume that they should develop at least similar if not identical personalities constructs, given the fact they are usually raised togheter. In practice, we NEVER see that. They are always different individuals. Therefore, something before the conception may have come along with this new physical body.  This concept comes from one of my inspirational teachers, Dr. Sergio Felipe de Oliveira, a brazilian doctor who is interested in the study of the pineal gland. In his opinion the reason for our self is the presence of the spirit (and I agree with that, even though no one has ever "proved" the existence of a spirit through a measurement, either photography, thermal camera or spectral analysis of any kind). Moreover, especially nowadays, the access to vast amount of information allows us to modify concepts and beliefs in light speed if we compare to 30 years ago. The personal resiliency is much more present nowadays, because we can prove or disprove something very quickly (not by googling of course, but by doing a deeper research over the internet). Freedom then is a mix of complex components, playing a role togheter. In the end freedom creates a unique  musical piece of values, which is individually tailored and never identical (even in biologically identical organisms as stated above).
Then it comes to how we manifest our freedom. We learned through or life journey all that we know now and then we want to apply those values to our day-by-day life. And at the moment we express our choices, backgrounded by our freedom, we are already in disagreement with anyone next to us. This is inevitable. It is human nature not to think the same way in comparison to other human being. This is in my view the way the nature has created mankind, to challenge all human life in one attempt to ascend as biological life. As far as science has reached to date, there is no reason to discredit that we are in this world to get better (as we systematically try every day to improve, e.g. in my case to become a better doctor by doing a PhD). So, freedom is never 100%. Even when we do not tell anything. The freedom to remain silent is maybe a high level of freedom, because it demands a high amount of self discipline. When we feel that someone has been unfair to us, as an instinct behavior, we react with self defense mechanisms, aiming homeosthasis, aiming  to prove our beliefs, aiming  to decrease our anxiety, aiming to be right  and ultimately to feel that our freedom allowed us to be different and express ourselves. When we judge someone's else action (or no action) we are actually hurting their universal right to be free according to their own set of rules. And the concept of wrong or right is then buried. Let's remember that laws are human created. They prevent us to do/act someways considered to be inappropriate, wrong. Bringing now Brazil's situation to the context, I feel that the people in the country are strongly lost in the way they express freedom. And this creates violence, war, hate and anger.  Naturally, it is very sad  to see our politicians being so unaware of those basic rules of choices. Freedom should be regulated on a set of rules that does not exist at the moment. Even though this is not a religious driven text (apart from the fact that I believe in a supreme intelligence that has created all of what we experience), I imagine that the Bible's quotation "do for the others what you would like them to do for you" makes an absolute sense. Even for atheists. It creates a possibility to have a self-developed set of rules that is standardized on our own unique values. With exception of some people with psychiatric disorders who are inclined to commit  self-destructive behaviours, the majority of people do not want to put themselves down. They wish instead to get better, to feel good, to be happy and to continuously improve until they die.  That is the fuel that makes me to get up everyday and it should be the aim of everybody. So freedom is not a comprehensible concept at this point of time. This is the reason so many discussion still raises out of divergent opinions. The real truth, as stated by the courts of justice and which is the final outcome justice pursues is also far from be understood by our limited minds. The absolute truth will never exist in my opinion, in any subject. And that is also the reason we should try to build a relative truth based on the prevalent beliefs we develop through the big adventure of being a human. I wish that today the brazilians can step forward towards a more balanced sense of justice, where the individual values can resonate in one big act and represent the relative truth that may take the country out of the situation. With no ideology from political parties.  To conclude, I wish that the invisible dimensions and universes (those already being proposed by physicists) which are way beyond our understanding may have a certain degree of influence over the outcome of such a big event, and that this "inspirational" energies that we cannot still grasp consciously, can bring  discernment  to people and wisdom  for them to make the best choice towards the future of the country, which will change as the freedom concepts of its people change.

domingo, 6 de março de 2016

Achievement - Realização - Leistung

Dear bloggers, coming back after a small pause. The word today is achievement. Achievement has been part of my life since sometime. It took time for me to understand what is this about. I tend to think now that achievement can have many different nuances and I will try to reflect some of those in this text. If you bring to the conclusion that achievement is just a goal that was completed, you are probably meaning only the outcome, and this is very simplistic and superficial. Achievement is the whole process. In order to really state the real meaning of the word achievement,  I believe we need to have a flaw, a challenge, something in our life or within you for which a development aiming an objective makes logical sense. In my case, and probably in most people's case, the great motivation is to start it all over. When something suddenly just brakes our life path in a meaningful way, the tendency is that this fact may have the potential to be our best fuel towards growth in life, and eventually an achievement will be the final result. I believe that because our evolutionary level is still somehow very primitive, to have our breakthroughs solved, is still necessary to suffer in order to achieve something. However, I believe this is only the start. If we decide after the suffering process that it was enough, and you try to be 100% committed with our own self to get better in whatever aspect, I dare to state that the suffering feelings are replaced by other more advanced evolutionary feelings towards becoming the best version of ourselves. Nothing takes out of my head that the only path to be fully satisfied with life is to work on our own flaws. That said and understood, we will have the start to begin  the deep understanding behind achievement, which is the final product of our choice to change. Change is key to achieve something. On top of that, resilience, self-discipline, willpower, persistence will keep us fearless and focused. There is no way to succeed but to keep continuously trying. And failing is part of the path. No one who has achieved something good, and who could be really considered an outlier in terms of success (to the upside of the curve), have had no failures. I dare to state that failures tend to be more fruitful than the success itself. Because to reach the good, the bad was somehow necessary at the moments preceding the good. In other words, we must thank the universe and the destiny to put obstacles in our way. The secret is to see them as a great (if not the greatest opportunity) to move forward and do something in benefit of ourselves and in many cases of others as well. As soon as we see that "shit happens" but this is no big deal, we start to crave for problems to come. If everything is in place, perfect, believe me, something in our life is not in place. Maybe we are not pushing enough or our choices are not in tune with our real purposes. I believe that a great sign of development towards achievement is to feel that something is out of place.  And to look at it saying from the deepest "thank you for that". It takes effort to see from a positive perspective things that are not pleasant to our eyes at first, but if we face them positively and with courage, they may become our greatest gift. The gift that our life has given us for free, so from there, we can move, and do, and be. To be is essential. To be ourselves. No fear, no restrictions, no blocks.  And the achievement will come. More interestingly, at a higher level of self realization we will notice along the path that the achievement will come when we feel good. The physical representations may be e.g. a  job promotion, or the fact that we could get a new house or have our first child. The "thing" itself is irrelevant, because the beauty of being  unique beings, makes us incomparable to each other and the physical world is just a construct so we can see it with our brains. I think that at this stage you will start to be aware that competition is only a human mindset of something very subjective. There is no need to compare ourselves to others when we feel 100% safe on our own skin. Moreover, there is NOBODY in the world like us, and this give us a particular, single custom way of perceiving the reality without giving too much of our energy to someone's else opinion or judgment. Achievement is for me when we get to a point where we look at the mirror, we see our own reflection and we can feel from our deepest roots that it is completely enough only to exist as what we are and that all the  other things society tells to be necessary are just noise. We are our greatest treasure, and that is why if we find ourselves stuck or unhappy, we will have to work this pain with wisdom to step in the direction of satisfaction and achievement that really will be forever attached to us: our own self.