domingo, 20 de dezembro de 2015


Those who have followed me for sometime have noticed that my journey through this year has been very busy. Because I had the opportunity to get in touch with some many different people in so many different settings and situations I wanted to talk about success. This is a word which I have misinterpreted for many years, meaning that I had a complete distorted notion of what success really means. By being in touch with many different people, from many different nationalities and backgrounds, what came to my mind is that success is actually a very broad concept. It depends on how you were raised, among what kind of people and what you have been told to fight for. I think it is interesting to start dividing the world in two, so ocidental and oriental. The symbol of success in the ocident are the rich countries. So success is deeply linked to economic power and wealth abundance. 

Interestingly, I had the opportunity in a very short period to be in touch with two of the most famous "physical" representations of that: famous cities located in the richest country on the planet, USA. I was recently for the first time since more than 20 years in the heart of this kind of mindset: New York City and Las Vegas. To be honest, I was very impressed at first. Huge buildings, lights and big screens everywhere and an infinite range of choices of things to do, from places to eat to places to party. Honestly, I tried it out. It was fun, but after I was finished, the impression was that something in the people there was missing. Their brains where so busy in trying to find something "cool" to do that paradoxically, in my opinion, they were just complete lost where to go. Should I buy? Should I eat? Should I gamble? Should I party? Should I get drunk, smoke and forget about my regular life? That was the impression I had while I was talking randomly to people around those places. And the more I saw people coming back and forth through the streets, casinos, clubs or whatever place created to make you feel satisfied, the more I could see that our society is nowadays a never-ending  representation of the non-stop to be happy culture. 

I realized after coming back that my brain was so accelerated that it took me a week or so to get back to my normal speed of thought. The link I want to make with success is this: in this kind of environment, the more you have/do/experience in your outer life, the greater level of success you have in life. I felt sad to see that I somehow was always trapped in such kind of thinking. This is the success type that in my view most of the people are driven to.  Money earning success is what most of us are going through right now. Unfortunately I did not have any experience on the oriental world. But the far east we go, the more it seems that this mindset goes towards a decreased speed of thought and a greater self awareness realization of life with less need of outer achievements. I had also the opportunity to be at London and Monaco this year. Two of the most expensive cities in the world, and very well known by their high standards of living. To be honest, I felt much more linked to these places, even though the money issue was also very evident. However, in those two places there was a kind of slower speed. The food was not served in a hurry, in huge amounts of everything in the portions. Even the McDonalds were slower, more peaceful somehow (I could not afford to eat high class everyday!). The point is, even though the amount of financial success was as high as in America, the people seem to care more about their own self awareness. By standing in front of the Monaco's casino or at Piccadilly square in London, I could feel a bit of less stress about doing everything that exists to be fullfilled and happy. 

The speed of thought was significantly slower than in America, and even though those people were also very wealthy, they were having a good time in a more intimate and personal level. I could feel through the places a sort of "happy feeling" that was more calm and focused into the moment, with no need for hurry.  So, in those places, even though the success was also money-linked, people  managed to be able to slow down their minds and enjoy life from a different perspective. The most east I went was Poland. The polish are very easy-going people. I made good connections by talking to random people on the streets. They are not considered  a rich country in Europe. However, perhaps because of that, their focus was more towards small things. They were not contaminated by the excess of options you have in a rich culture. But, it was clear to me that they were very happy having cheap vodka and walking through historical medieval streets in the cities I visited, Torun and Gdansk. I might be a bit contradictory with this essay, because as a brazilian I was very influenced by the "american dream", and this actually made me choose to live there as a teenager in 1994/95. But now, 20 years later, and after this experience there, I can say that success does not relate at any level with the amount of things you have or do. It has to do with how you can learn to live without having to do it and still be happy and fulfilled. I am convinced that this kind of mindset will have to change. The capitalism structure make people act like zumbis, and their freewill ends up biased by the system, which  makes them a sort of slaves. Slaves of the system itself. Of course the world leaders know that very well, and manipulate our expectations to hypnotize our minds towards a behaviour that reinforces the survival of this cycle. I am also a victim of this, and I do not think I will be ever free of this system, where success is linked to financial achievement and things you can pay with physical money. I do wish that our new generations will be able to form a society that will bring new horizons to this anomaly that our people live today. Again, this is a personal opinion and I am not trying to sell that we are wrong in doing what we do. I am just suggesting that our way of living can be a bit different and the priorities towards the success may be perhaps in small and simple circumstances. I would like to have comments on this, and generate discussion. If you have something to add/criticize/comment, please do so. I think that is through the sharing of our ideas and beliefs that we will be able to build a better place to live, where success may be redefined and where we will be able to have it through different ways in our lives.

sexta-feira, 4 de dezembro de 2015


Hello dear blog readers. Here comes one more of my reflections. I decided to use a very famous word from Einstein , relativity to give me space to brainstorm it in any direction, not only on the physics-science side of it. So be open to no standard interpretation concepts. I have experienced relativity in my life. That is why I want to give my own individual feel and tell that yes, everything you have/experience/get/lose in your life has its own relative value/significance/purpose. What I mean by that is that we can have different interpretations at different moments for the same things. Example: sometimes you meet someone and this person makes you think one way. He/she gives an opinion about a specific subject and you start to believe or not on that. Let's assume in this case you have believed in some new theory. You were convinced that this was a good way to explain or give background in regards to something you did not know before. However, as time went by, you started to challenge this. You started to notice that even though it made sense it did not work in every situation. Or it would work according to a certain choice you make. That's when the concept of relativity come into place. By constant motion in terms of intelectual self talk or learning one can figure out that something which was a complete true at one moment becomes a lie after sometime. How cool is that? I believe that this relativity of which I am talking about has to do with our adaptive nature. In practical terminology, how we can by our own choice turn something supposed to be 100% true into something meaningless. I think that the humans have this great ability to make everything relative when it does not make sense anymore, of if it does not fit into your collection of beliefs. That once said, it is obvious that Einstein used this to explain time, by clearly saying that depending on the speed you travel the time perception changes. I would like to add a more easy to grasp concept into that. I dare to hypothesize that this happens even though we are not still able to travel through any human-made machine near speed of light. However we can travel into our minds in a limitless speed. This has deep implications. It means that your perception can be altered by the speed your thoughts travel inside your own brain. Want an example? Think about the last holidays you had. The one you loved the most perhaps. Now, try to remember the 2 weeks before you were actually at that trip. How fast was the time going? Very slow, right? You were waiting and waiting and the clock just seemed to be frozen or slowed down. But finally, the time to go to the airport came and as soon as you stepped  through the check-in hall door, this speed of time perception just changed. Suddenly you were looking the watch wishing it to stop, so that you did not need to come back anymore, to your regular life. And those two weeks which were endless became  instantenous pieces of moments, and before you had time to blink your eyes, you were already back home. How come? If time is a constant physical dimension, always going forward at a constant speed, how come you could not feel it steady? Did time change? Or did you change? If your travel speed at any moment did not reach the near speed-of-light speed, it is impossible to assume that this was a physics related effect, macroscopically speaking. So, by logic conclusion, the only plausible hypothesis is that the speed of your thoughts (which turned into emotions) have a deep connection with this anomaly. For me, though, this is just an effect of our own brains playing  a joke to us. It is obvious that a life without novelty, challenge or strong emotions (in this case very positive), is perceived at different speed rates. Maybe, this has to do with the speed of thoughts "traffic" in the brain. Maybe, because the momentum of the basal normal day particles dislocations in our neuronal synapses were altered from the baseline rate, the perception just followed this disbalance, giving you a shortened time frame understanding, although you have measured it as the same length (in your wrist watch e.g.)  in comparison with the previous 2 weeks. The point is, the more movement you put into your life, mentally speaking, the faster it will go. For me this sounds great, and I am very happy to realize that this year for me was "instantaneous". I made so many new things, traveled so much, made so many new discoveries, met so many new cool people, that it is impossible to compare with times when I was bored or not in deep touch with my most profound values. And I am getting afraid (but at the same time blessed) to feel like my life is going to unfold pretty "fast", in mind time scale. It is a good and pleasant feeling, to discover you can steer your destiny and make it a sequence of "instantaneous" moments. It means, you live but you don't feel the time frame of your life sequence, making it possible to conclude that the presence into the NOW becomes your greatest tool to pursue towards a "relativity-linked life", meaning, a very fast, exciting, emotional, engaging life. I have recalled my whole year today, while laying down on my bed in the morning, and the only thing I could conclude is that I had a great year. Because, in the end I could not feel it, timely speaking. I still have many cool moments coming, and they will be as "light flashes" ending up that I can tell was the most exciting time/year of my life. I am sharing this experience, to assure that anyone, at any condition can reach this kind of experience. I am planning to continue with that, and as long I have the full control of my destiny, this can be a lot of fun to achieve. I kindly ask to all people who took the time to read this, to rethink your goals and what is the most important in life. I am not the perfect example or anything, I am just a normal, passionate guy searching for my own answers. I only want to bring people I like with. Wish to all, a great weekend. We are close to Christmas, 2016 is almost there and these times are a good opportunity to bring those issues to discussion in order to improve our future life experiences.

domingo, 29 de novembro de 2015


Today I decide to talk about a topic that is somehow negative, but in a positive manner. This is fear. Fear is one of the most basic human feelings we can experience. Essentially is a mechanism based on the self-preservation mode that all of us have. It leads us to the well know concept of fight or flight response, where we make a decision when facing a life threat to run away  or to fight against whatever is in front of us in order to continue to live. In the animal kingdom, this is the case in most of times, because of the limtiation of the animal’s brains and of the lack of hability to subjectively evaluate other kinds of threats. This means that they do it with the final purpose of keeping themselves alive so they can continue to carry on their physical existence. However, when it comes to humans, the mechanism of fear starts to appear much more complex. Even though, essentially it prevents us from having life threatening events, it also, in my opinion, and in the opinion of many scholars from psychology or neurosicence, may prevent us to experience the good. I have already discussed this in previous texts, but I think it deserves more insights. Imagine you have won the lottery. The first reaction is to be happy right? However, instinctively we may also at the same time experience a great fear. And if someonens finds out I am rich now? And if people want to kill me to get my money? Or if they want to get close to me just to take advantage? Or even worse, what if they come close trying to spoil my moment of glory and victory? This is just a silly example, but many situations in our lives raise this kind of paradox felling, which does not make sense, if we think only rationally about that. But, our mind and our default software program come with fear as key to the functioning of our operating system. This means, that no matter how brave you are, fear is an undeniable human feeling that cannot be completely blocked. I think that this awareness leads us to the next question. If we have fear, even when it is not necessary, and paradoxically, when we are vey happy, how should we cope with it? What is the key to incorporate this fear in out day-by-day life without loosing the great opportunities that may be blocked by this contradictory physiologic response? Well, that is where I think it comes to the understanding of what we humans have and that most animals do not. We have the choice. We can counsciouslly affect what we are and how we react. It is obvious that to fight such a primitive behavior, one must commit deeply to access and block those annoying feelings that do not match with the potential gains that sometimes are lost because we were not able to figure out how to overcome the unpleasantness of having fear. The good news, (at least it has been for me) is that we can modify, or better, atenuate such response so that we do not loose great moments in life because of fear. I think that most people function pretty much in fear mode most of the time. This comes from the early phase of our lives, when we were threatned by our parents or teatchers, with punishments, which were upleasant, and that therefore we would like to avoid. This mindset of fear modifying behavior can be translated to the adult world in situation involving people like work colleagues, relationship partners or family members, even thoug in a more hidden, subjective perspective. I believe that this is wrong. This is with no doubt the wrong way to go. To put people around you because they fear what may happen is one of the weakest manners to manipulate people. This is even clearer, when you are talking to toxic people, the so-called “energetic vampires”. They suck what is good and try to keep it under control by acts generating fear feelings. So, what is the answer to get out of this mess, and to put fear in a more proactive perspective? For me is to trust in you. This comes with loving yourself.  This comes with strenght to beat up people who want to put you down or to make you feel uncapable of achieveing your goals. Brave and focused people suffer from this, because they put fear into the weak people’s mind, so that to avoid this, they counter action to put fear into your life so they fell less fear. The fact is that the more you achieve, the more you get, the more likely will be the presence of people trying to destroy your confidence through a fear mechanism. This means: be aware of yourself and love yourself. Don’t ever give the power to someone else to provoke fear in you. And if they try, overcome it, with patience, wisdom and intelligence. Emotional development is essential to avoid fear to block you. You need to change your attention when such a problem appears in front of you. And if you are really convinced about your own value and hold your trust that everything will come allright, the chances are that, if you could not block the fear, you could at least bring it to a level where it does not stop you from being you and to achieve whatever you have planned in your life. Fear is good. Is a human feature that no one can block completely. But those who dare to face it directly and who make the option to fight it with self-development are those who will stand out of the crowd. I am already one of those who are trying this option, and the fearless choice appears to be the most adequate for those with big dreams. I wish that all of you can find that inner power to fight your fears and make them to be your next leap to a better and fullfilling life.

sexta-feira, 20 de novembro de 2015


Hello blog readers. Today I am writing in a different time and mood. It is friday evening and I decided to write about syntony. I think this concept is already well discussed in all my last texts, but I believe there is some points still to be developed. When I say syntony I mean a match. Something that takes  you out of the comfort zone, makes you feel something, no matter if it is good or bad. An engagement which appears out of your main predominant state of being. It is interesting to point out that many of us do not get to control this in a positive way. The syntony you insist to have is the one which will manifest in the end. No matter if you are aware or conscious of it or not. I think that by exercising your mind to understand this property can lead you to a greater fulfilment  in life. It is a step-by-step process meaning that once we get to decide our main prevalent syntony with the environment, we get a wider comphreension of the world and of ourselves. It is so easy to lose syntony with something you like towards something you actually do not. Feelings like fear, anger, disappointment, rage, insecurity, and many others can have a deep impact in your syntony to others and to life events. I try nowadays to keep focused only in the unique part of me that I can control 100%: my own self. I have realized more and more that by keeping my direction aligned with myself, without actually getting angry if others do not agree or please me, is what makes my syntony to what really matters possible. Our culture has some weird ways of discourage such mindsets. I truly believe in our own capacity to be able to solve our most intriguing questions with help of others, but with independency and originality at the same time. The syntony is much more a matter of how much you can keep being yourself without giving others the power that belongs to you,  in a way that by self aligning what you are with what you want the things which you get end up being much more pleasant and cool to experience. I know that many people actually give others much more power than they deserve. This is a big mistake, because when you are not yourself in name of other human being, you may make them feel good at a cost of not being completely you. The choice of using masks or playing a character to be accepted is simply killing your power and making your syntony dysfunctional and sick. It is very easy to perceive whether you are in syntony with yourself or not. Just look around. Take a look at your life with honesty and no judgment. This allows you to see your life from a third person perspective. Do you see a good picture? Does it make you feel happy about you? Is it aligned to your most deep needs and values? In summary does it feel as good as it could? If not, then you can pretty much conclude that something is out of place. It can be anything, from work to relationships. But that is the start to pursue the syntony in life. To be honest, to find your own values and try to look at them in terms of your actual life. Are you around people with similar goals? Are they brilliant or mediocre? They reinforce your qualities or they insist in point out your mistakes and limitations? What is the majority of things you talk about to one another? If you pay attention to every small feature from your life style and how things unfold to you, you will be able to create or at least start to walk towards a balanced life where you will feel this syntony in place. I have noticed every day things that I do not like about me. Old behaviours and the feelings of lack still come from time to time in my mind, making me realize that at least at that particular moment I am out of tune. But on the other hand, I got an ability to look at those flaws with no fear of seeing something that I do not like. Instead, these realizations are the key to solve the issues which contribute to my disbalance  leading to a life with no syntony. Today I am very happy to see that I can see my defects and play with them. Make a joke out of it. Sometimes get angry to repeat patterns that do not fit anymore, but that insist in coming back to my mind due to old beliefs. However, my message is that syntony achievement goes through this never ending  kind of process. Every day, every minute, every fraction of our life. And it never will end. This is the energy source of our own existence. Those who do not get lost in this concept and accept the imperfection with patience and persistence to work on it will ultimately get to a better syntony. With people, with events, but essentially with themselves. Always  fight for yourself and your principles. Those in the end are the most important learning tools that you will take from this dimension of existence to the eternity. Wish all a very good weekend and a nice evening!

domingo, 8 de novembro de 2015


As following incredible events on my life, I want today to talk about reality. Reality as we experience is the perception our brain makes out of its ability to interpret, decode and process data from our environment and to transform it in to electrical signals so that we can give a meaning to it. But it is this really true? Is what we see with our body machinery all that really exists? I find amazing that someone has designed our physical body to depict the world be means of a  central processor. The same applies to any computer we know, but what differentiates us from them is our self counsciousness. Luckily we have been gifted with a unique driving force to command the body. And the reality interpretation comes from this particular way each of us look at the outer world. But again, what do we really know about the brain? Much more than in any particular time of history of course. But how can we be sure that our methods of measurement in fact can be accurate enough and generate data that will be meaningful and represent into numbers a so abstract kind of equipment? What is love from a scientific point of view for example? Is a bunch of chemicals popping up in a non-random sequence, which change our resting state of homeostasis and brings us to call it a "very pleasant and deep feeling". However, science tried to give scales, numbers, images and all kind of approaches that our brain analysis methods can grasp  in order to give  some kind of association with what we see, hear and so on, essentially everything we experience. I am starting to challenge this concept because of studying the brain. As my research deals with pain, and I am studying the brain signals related to it, it just becomes now clear that there are brain areas associated with pain experience, but they are far more complex than ever imagined. To translate it in to numbers makes sense when doing research, but it makes absolute complete no meaning if it is brought into the philosophical realms. So reality is much more than a simple brain signal or an image showing an area of activation. It is the active role of the individual through a physical piece of human tissue, the brain, and then correlated with the individual's own interpretation. Reality is also not only where our brain can go. It is way beyond, and if theories such as the physics "string theory" is correct, we have still 8 hyper dimensions above or packing our 3D reality. So, my point is: not everything that you cannot see, hear, taste, smell or fell in your skin is "out of reality". This is so strong that I can see the effects of it in what happens to me very often nowadays. As stated in my last text, probability, I see the reality breaking the rules of mathematics by delivering skewed outcomes when we try to use standard statistics to give logic to it. So reality becomes a bit more tricky than it seems, and not only random. In essence, I can now state through what I have experienced, that the reality matches whatever you decide to. But, the match must be precise in order of it to come and manifest in your life. The secret is to match and create coherence in your brain waves, creating a patterned logical code, which ultimately will construct what we call reality. But the more advanced  your get, the more into the hyper dimensions you need to get in oder to achieve your best desires. I strongly believe that reality is a membrane of our most predominant emotions. There is in my opinion a   particle-related coherence in emotions, which will give you the reality you experience in our 3D world. But why not  to consider assessing the higher 8 dimensions as well? Would it not be cool to find out that we can not only get the reality through our 5 senses but actually through a much higher unknown fabric of physical representation of reality? I am now trying to play with it. When I take decisions I am influencing what comes. When I think of an upcoming event, or of a certain person, I am also giving my reality a sort of direction. This is what reality is now by using this new paradigm. Is a screen of images/sounds/tastes/smells/skin sensations designed to give us at our current development stage at the moment the best possible tools to evolve. Think and try to imagine what drives their curiosity, their will for more, better, for completion. My message today is this: Reality is whatever you decide it to be. In other words, even though there are always uncontrolled events in our life, deep down, if you really investigate, you will see that a certain event is actually a reflexion of whatever is flowing through your mind in terms of brain activity. So, what about give a try to play with that? Do meditation. Give to others without expecting anything in return. Take your masks out and face who you really are with no fear or resentment. Interestingly, the outside world will be the same, but your interpretation of reality will turn upside down, hopefully to your own profit. Wish all a great sunday!

domingo, 1 de novembro de 2015


Dear readers! Back to one more text. Lately I have had many random events in my life that appear to be synchronised with some kind of external power. That is why I decide today to talk about probabilities. even though my background is very basic in terms of mathematics. I want to dare that probability is really totally random. The sequence of events which has been following over and over in my life tell exactly the opposite. Many people have heard about the law of attraction or the power of positive thinking or stuff like that. This is really what I believe that can explain, at least with the knowledge we have now, this abnormality in terms of how one would expect randomness to occur. I have realized that by keeping a firm and strong sense of intention and by keeping myself grounded as much as I can, I can with any strong effort open doors and opportunities in any field of my life. This means that the statement that we have been reading in the media lately, that reality is completely dependent on the observer perspective appears to be really true. Experiments like "global consciousness project" show that by structured research design human mind can even modify the behaviour of computers, which appear to be lifeless, but in the end are able by some weird channel of communication depict signals from human emotions and thoughts. I strongly recommend people to look for it on the internet. The highest peak of altered activity on the algorithm which measured this "consciousness" activity had its most famous peak during the 9/11 terrorists attacks. And it is proved by traditional statistics that the alteration can not be explained by random probabilities. This is weird because one may think that machines are not susceptible to engage emotions from biological energy. Now, if a computer which is a bunch of circuits built around a processor can do that, imagine what those effects can do into biological life? Probabilities laws, in my particular case, are just not accurate enough to explain some "coincidences" that we consider to be random at first. I strongly believe by looking back on my own life path, that I translate into my reality what I feel and think most. This means that, during times I was mostly sad, for example, I would keep linked to people and events which would reinforce this predominant feeling. But, luckly, I got to understand that our willpower has the ability to custom build the reality as long as you realize and make an effort to change our predominant mindset. I could not imagine how this is important. Back in 2007 I guess I watched this movie "The secret". Of course there are lots of drawbacks in the movie as it is supposed to be a documentary that will generate profit to the authors. So, I think that many people were criticising the movie because of the way chosen to present such concepts that probabilities may exist, but we have an active influence to produce a skewed curved of outcomes, which is non-normal, according to our own beliefs.  I found that very interesting at first. I remember I got really excited and I thought that it was the key to a happy and successful life. Indeed I tried to put that into action. However, I realised after some years of attempting that I was having some results, but because I could not keep my emotions consistently in tune with the good that could manifest, I lived in this rollercoaster of ups and downs without understanding exactly why. That was a big mystery. I remember watching  the movie over and over and also reading about the subject. I had the theory in mind but I could not alter the probabilities according to the theory. To reinforce this I needed some more explanation. That's when I started also to learn about quantum physics and how thing work in the microscopic world of particles. Remember, that in the end we re all made of the same stuff (at least until now this is the common knowledge) . This means that all those discoveries about particles behaviour apply to us in our macroscopic world. After understanding that the observer (which for me means intention of keeping your predominant emotions and thoughts  aligned into a specific frequency, such as happiness), can alter the behaviour of those particles clearly, backs up why we are able to create our own reality. If we are always choosing, feeling and thinking at all times of our existence it is not crazy to postulate that our predominant state of mind and emotions will unfold the events in our life according to the frequency we tune the most. That means: if you think and believe in success this will manifest. Also, if you think of failure this will also manifest. We affect the behaviour of the destiny, meaning, our power is much greater that one ever envisioned in the past. That is why I believe that probabilities as we learn in statistics may apply only when in are in a neutral state. However, the neutral state does not exist in biological beings in this planet (maybe only for a few very advanced souls like Buddha or Jesus). So, this is the fabric of existence where we, as limited biological beings can produce our life events. My wish is that we get aware that probabilities are a mathematical and logic science. But, a much more complex system play on the backstage the real rules which will determine the outcome in our lives. My life, is now much more under my own control, because I could figure out how to keep a near-steady kind of mindset to manifest mostly good things, events and people in my life. I recommend to all of you that you start to exercise your own intentions as much as you can, so that you can produce the outcomes which in turn, will make you enjoy the life at its best. Good Sunday to all!

sábado, 17 de outubro de 2015

Amor Love Liebe

Hello dear readers. It took me 3 years to decide to write about love. I think that after this period I have read a lot about the subject. This means that my view about love has changed a lot. From my own experience I would say to be impossible to really get deep into such a subject unless you have a breakthrough in your life. People who know me can clearly remind when that happen to me and how it affected me. That actually happened because I was completely blind to understand what love is.  Love for me now is freedom. I believe that people only can experience real love in their lives as soon as they realize that love is about let it go. When I really got to understand it I could finally experience myself. In all areas of my life. That is fantastic to realize how plastic our beliefs are. Hopefully all people can redesign their own set of values. The realization of not charging anyone for your own self love experience is what makes me to believe that we should always start to love ourselves. That is the first step towards the experience of love which really makes sense. When you do not put your happiness, expectations ir even your feelings in to others lap, this puts you in total control of your life ship. You are the captain of your own destiny by choosing the right mindsets to get what you want. The mindset of true love is to adapt your self love to others love and blend them like a good tasty drink. In the end you must be able to taste yourself and the other people on the same sip. That means you should never lose who you are for anything or anyone. Being authentic to your own set of values delivers the most valuable love you can give to others. It does not matter how silly or stupid it may be interpreted by others, but to live this kind of thing you must be yourself. I wrote the other day that the purpose of life is to find out who you are. Love is putting this person with no mask at all to interact with others. There is no other formula in my view to achieve the fullfillment of a love which in the end is really worth to be experienced and shared. I now share my love with many different people. And with each of them I show a different aspect of my authentic self. The self is your true nature subtracted from the ego. The death of the ego now makes sense to me, and I now understand that by killing the ego you make your physical body to function at its best. The way you  digest your feelings will determine how much sucess you are going to get in the end. It is a tuff task for most people to decide the way they are going to take in life. True love, meaning the love that comes from your true spirit which is usually hidden behind many social impositions is what will help us to be able to reach the stage which I call now higher love. It means that you should connect to people that you trust, who can also show their own nature and in a way that you have freedom to come and go at your own will. I think that is very hard to find such fit nowadays,because society rules and dogmas blind us from seeing the most valuable things in life. Small moments have turned the most significant to me. For me it translates my belief that the more we do what we really are and feel, and not what society expects from us , the better we will be able to make true love rise from our true soul. I have read many different authors, from physicists to doctors and all of them do their own turnaround to conclude always this: if you are not honest to yourself, you will never be with your eyes awake enough to understand why you are here, and how to get to love people and life as it is. I foresee a world where the mechanisms of human functioning will be deeply challenged. A time, where the real values of being a human will be revealed by our own awakening to the fact that there is much more out there and within us to be discovered and developed. The will of evolution will be in my opinion the secret key to the higher love we all deserve to have in life. In all aspects, through body, mind  and spirit. Those who will succed in this new paradigm are those who can awake to consider the invisible to be true. Our senses are far simplistic to comprehend the complexity of love as it really is and to how far it can really get. Our brain is undoubtly able to go further in this perspective, but we must actively train it to reach a higher level of awareness. We are in control of aproximately 5% of our acts. The rest is pretty much happening in auto pilot. The secret is to flip this proportion, and bring our control over the use of the brain close to 100%. Not easy, but by doing so, our biology works better, our senses reach another possibilites, and the love which I believe exists can be finally brougth to our conscious understanding. Wish all a great weekend and that this spark can lead you to a new way of looking to your own life and love.

domingo, 27 de setembro de 2015


Hello dear readers! I am back to a new journey of thoughts and reflections. The word today is patience. Patience for me changed a lot in the last few years. It represented in the past the expectation for something which would be  happening in the future. However it is not like that for me anymore. Patience is just a reflection of the many possibilities that may happen in your life. It this waiting time that you experience in a event that you are about to live. Interestingly, the events in the future may not be in the future anymore. Some outstanding discoveries in science point out to the possibility of many "worlds". This means that what happens now in your reality is just one of the possible infinite outcomes that may arise from a particular moment. At least from a particle point of view your "ideal" outcome, or dream is already reality in some point at this infinite multilayer universe.  So that means that patience as we know does not make sense, because eventually your expectation has happened even though you did not experienced. Even more weird, in a time frame that may be in the past. I think very cool to imagine that the way we observe and understand the universe may only be an hologram or one version of our history. Another important point that made patient change to me is your ability to sculpture your own destiny. By intention, something that I talk a lot in my texts, you can access this point where you construct your reality by unfolding your desires into feelings, thoughts and actions. The way you deal with your own sequence of events in life will determine where you will get. And by being patient to understand that it does not manifest instantly (in spite of being theoretically possible), one could write a book of your life as it is desired in the inner mind. Another thing that changed in my perception of patience, is that you can actually enjoy the path to the outcome, instead of feeling that you are losing time. At some situations is even desirable that you don't get what you want in a blink. The building of a goal in your life, may it be professional, personal or spiritual  is usually better developed through a process of steps and repetition. Sometimes disappointment and failure also make part of it and actually may contribute to the best final result. Even though we tend to desire the achievement as soon as possible, from a more romantic perspective, it ends the beauty of the victory because of the easiness it was completed, or because it was too fast solved. During my time in Germany, I faced many rocks along the way. When they were painful I would like to get red of them as soon as I could. But I understood that by using the patience on my favor, the pain was actually a very, very good thing. This keeps happening ever since. No fear anymore of hard times. People or things come and go, give you happiness or disappointment and those are the tools our existence gives us to make our evolution as beings. As weird as it may sound, by understanding that keeping the patience during bad times will bring very good times, is now for me very true. And we are not still in a point to understand all the variables that take place during the waiting times for the future to come. A syndrome is making humanity much impatient and this brings much of the suffering of the society today. We are obliged to function in full speed 24/7 and this is not humanly possible. The nature has designed us in a way where we need to use the benefit of the waiting to things to manifest the way we want. Today it is my anniversary here in Germany. I am here since exactly 3 years (I came on the September 27th  2012). Those who actually know my path since the beginning know how hard it was to get here. Lots of emotional, psychological and professional challenges taking place at the same time. Now, three years later, after lots of experiences, ups and downs, I can only thank the universe and whoever rules it (God, spiritual force, you name it), because only through it I could day by day construct the new version of myself that I have become. The patience that all would be good in the end never let me to give up. Even though during many times I almost collapsed, I kept within me the will to overcome whatever it would come. And I did it, with lots of determination and patience. With patience I could turn things around and make them look a lot better. Finally, I can say that I have achieved this in all aspects of my life. First, I learned to love myself. I am now sitting at a cafe in Tübingen, alone, writing this. The absence of necessity to have people around to feel good is the greatest accomplishment one can get. You are free in fact, because no need really exists. You can feel good just by being with you. Secondly I developed my skills to connect with people. I made many friends and met a lot of amazing people. Travelled all around, without paying an euro to meet and learn with the best experts in my field. I got closer to my family and because of that I was able to fight all my shadows with courage. And to finish, the main purpose of coming here was accomplished. My PhD is turning out very good, and many things are already happening because of this work. And all of this happened because of my patience to wait, but not in a negative way of being annoyed because it did not happened as planned (someone far more intelligent actually does this for us in a more out of order script), but paradoxically because it did not turn out as planned. I love to look back and see that I did not plan what actually happened, but in the end I was able to see it as very close to my highest desires in life. And this will never stop happening as long as I continue to follow this path with faith from the heart. Have patience to achieve whatever dreams you may have. You never know where this will take you, but if you respect your values and tune them to the outside world, be sure, you will be soon picturing your dreams in your physical reality. I wish to all who supported me up to this point lots of gratitude, love and happiness. It is my desire that all that I could experience to this point can improve the humanity and that even this small text can touch people, or even one soul, not to give up and always to believe that life can be better. All the best to all. A big hug and thanks for reading this!

domingo, 6 de setembro de 2015


Back to my blog, after some time off. This last month was really a terrific time in my life and I have learned and progressed in many different aspects of myself. Therefore, I think it is time to write about happiness, because I might have started to understand what is happiness about. Happiness now for me  is being yourself. This concept was so hidden in my subconscious mind in a way I could not perceive it on me. We are taught since kids to pursue happiness. Interestingly, during childhood we can actually experience this kind of limitless happiness. According to one of my self development mentors, Flavio Gikovate, during childhood we do not fear happiness. We accept receiving it with no defence mechanisms. However, after sometime, when we reach a deep awareness of the world around us and we lack to see inside, we start to be fooled by our own ideas and beliefs. We develop what is called "fear of happiness". This is kind of paradox, but in reality holds us back of having the full enjoyment in our lives. Our mind does not accept anymore happiness because of fearing that something bad might take it away from us. This is a misconception from our mind, since the happiness can be unlimited in every aspect of our life. In my experience lately, I have figured out that there is no such necessity of developing this kind of defence mechanism. I think that the best way of achieving such a state of happiness in the deep meaning of it is being completely yourself. This demands a huge amount of braveness, because by choosing this path consciously, you will have to face things that you might not be prepared to. Your deepest weaknesses, fears, traumas, limitations. You will begin a journey towards your own shadow. Of course, this trip also can be able to enhance the good parts of you. Meaning that your qualities and potentials may be improved by consciously assessing from a fearless perspective. That is where you begin to understand happiness. The second step for me was to completely lose the shame of your deffects. There is a very nice book and study from Rene Brown, talking about it. She awakened me to this new way of facing my limitations and traumas by accepting and actually talking about it. To show vulnerability is not a sign of being weak. Instead, is the deepest sign of strength and braveness. In the automatic mode that we usually live in we tend to postpone or procrastinate our own inner journey. And worse than that we try to avoid or block talking about the things that we do not like about ourselves. I have noticed that when you sincerely start to talk about yourself without fearing being judged in any manner, your things will be received by another human being with compassion and comprehension. There is no need to hide it. Happiness will actually start to fulfil your being from the moment you decide to deliberately talk about it. Discuss it. Live it again in your mind and bring it alive to your conscious understanding. Otherwise, it is just impossible to reach the level of happiness we pursue during our entire existence. Again, it has nothing, absolutely nothing to do with your ability to deal with the external world. On the contrary, the more you search inside, the better your life will get. When you wear a mask, it is just not possible to make your happiness flourish. I am a happy person now. At least I consider my life happy. And curiously, I am out of what people would call "normal life path". By being "out of the gaussian curve" of the expected life path for someone at my age and life experience, I could be able to access this deep understanding. This took thousand of free hours with myself. Was not easy, and will never be  completed. But, somehow, my odd and challenging life situation allowed me to have something that most of my counterparts can not have as much: TIME. Time with yourself is absolute a must. Hours and hours of reading, meditation, openness to the new, brain porosity, emotional resilience and a lot, lot of persistence. I am now towards to what I define "true happiness". A state of mind that accounts completely into you. 100%. It has nothing to do with what you achieve or how much you financially earn. Or with what amount of "success" you accomplish in your professional, personal or spiritual life. It has to do with YOU. You are the key to your own happiness. The real sense of happiness lies inside. Your body is just a physical vehicle to allow you to experience. But, from my side, happiness is a feeling which cannot be accounted as completely physical. It transcends the comprehension that people have about a word definition. It gets to a point where words cannot give anything but an impression of what it really is. That is my experience now. I don't consider anymore some of the society "requirements" to achieve this state. You must be completely free from dogmas. That means that you need to create your own set o values and beliefs which are in tune with your true deep nature. Frequency coherence occurs in every system in equilibrium. I think that this balance is what makes you be able to experience happiness. It will be different to each human being, but all of us can achieve this state by looking to the inner side, in order to manifest in the outside. Please, if you can, or if you have the time, try to talk after you read this about one of your deepest fears with someone you trust. This is just a free sample of what you can achieve when you open your shadows, releasing them from you, without judging, so that this transformation can start to occur. I will put some links in the end of this text to inspire you. Are videos from the two authors I cited here. One is in portuguese and the other is in english. So none of you from my audience has the excuse to watch at least one. I wish you the best of all so that you can achieve this state that we try to go for during our whole life. I started to see it. And I am sure that everyone can see it as well. Have a great sunday! - Fear of happiness (portuguese) - Listening to shame (english)

segunda-feira, 13 de julho de 2015


Dear blog readers! Today I will do something different. As now I am going through the process of writing in english for publications, I decided to do the same with my own personal stuff to exercise such a task. This will also bring more readers into the blog.  Remember again, this text is written following the rule: 30 minutes of brainstorming text after picking randomly a key word, no major edition or correction, meaning, raw text essentially. Don't expect, as happens with my texts in portuguese, perfection in terms of style or grammar. The aim is not that. The aim is to extract spontaneity from my reflexions in one short but deep piece of writing. Let's got then!  30 minutes start now: the word is CONNECTION.
Connection is in my view what we desperately look for in life. We as humans are beings which cannot live a healthy live without the interaction with others, by any means. This raises the point to the basic question: what is connection and how we do it? To me, connection is about sharing thoughts, ideas, emotions, points of view with someone you interact with, no matter if it is a friend, a partner, the love of you life or simply a strange you found sitting in a park bench. Usually we tend to think that our best way to interact and to connect is to talk. Through language, the men have across the ages of history interacted with each other, building what we call today the modern world. We could not reach such an advanced technology, evolution in terms of moral, or laws, without any discussion and connection among people by the use words. This is, however, the simplest and the most basic mechanism of connection. The second way is to connect by physical interaction. This means, to hug , to touch, to give hands, to kiss, to do eye contact and so on. By sharing our bodies touch and warmth we do connect to each other, even in a deeper level than with only words. This is the second level of connection and people are aware of its power, and maybe they look for that much more than the contact through words, because it is somehow more intense. It is more risky though. You might be more exposed by doing such a connection and the outcomes from this exposure into a deeper level of connection may bring some hard times. But it is part of the game, and by no means, this stops us from going after the search for more and more of it. It is somehow biologically written in our DNA code to look for this contact, once the sexual behaviour is also included in this kind of connection and this can perpetuate the species further on. The third level is the level of emotions. When you put emotions into the connection matrix, the possibilities are beyond our imagination. We cannot contemplate all the combinations of emotions that might rise from a shared feeling with another human being. Additionally, the beauty of it is that this is not only the deepness that is interesting and makes us go for it, but the feature of being always changing across time. There is no such "frozen" feeling which does not evolve (yeah as a POKEMON!) during the development. This is more in tune with our inner essence, therefore the danger of it is also proportionally higher. The main tool for us to deal the best possible way with that is to do self development and to answer this simple but deep question: Who am I? This is the quest must of us are doing during our short passage in this dimension of living (which for me is only transitory and does not correspond AT ALL to the main mission of us), but in the end is the one we can live for now. The fourth and last level for me is the unconscious level. This is where most of us make many mistakes. We tend to think that our bodies have this limited ways of perceiving the world around (sight, hearing, taste, smell and tactile). But, as physics have lately shown, there is much more "in here", within us in terms of ability to connect to other living organisms. From very modern concepts, it is clear that we are not solid as we may think, but we are composed particles that are always im movement. Essentially we are an energy plant, producing, processing and mainly, spreading our energy fields around. This has an implication that many ignore. We are at every moment interacting and connecting to the field of other people and living things (and maybe things we consider dead, but are alive!). The amount of connection depend yes on your freewill. That is where many end up failing, because they connect without realizing the "bad energy fields" from others. The new paradigm for happiness is to learn how to deal with the fact that we are energy beings, and then to wisely choose to which fields to connect, and mainly from whom. This is critical to the level of satisfaction in life. And also, the energy field from someone may change across time, going from a good to a bad one. That's when you decide to leave someone, or to end a friendship or to move from your job. You must listen to those inner intuitions. Intuition is the main tool in order to access this level of connection. Maybe there is also higher level, which at this time, I cannot realize or comphreend. Probably there are infinite ones. The uncertainty of life makes us insecure, but the lack os this deep knowledge makes us stuck in place. I hope that the mankind starts to pay attention to their own energy fields, and that they realize that with a shift in to a more evolutionary mindset, they will be heading to a new world paradigm, which in my opinion, has the potential to bring much more "good vibes" into our lives. So, try yourself from now on and live to the your  fullest potential! I wish a  very nice day to all!

domingo, 22 de março de 2015


Caros leitores! Sejam bem vindos novamente ao meu BLOG. Depois de meses de recesso intelectual resolvi retomar hoje minhas discussões com um tema que tem sido meu ponto de atenção neste ano: FOCO. Já o discuti, mas resolvi reescrever sem retornar ao meu texto mais antigo. O foco é uma palavra que não trabalhei com profundidade na minha vida até então, mas acho que este conceito se tornou vital no meu desenvolvimento aqui na Alemanha. Já estou aqui há 2 anos e meio, e todo esse tempo foi importantissimo para que eu pudesse entender de fato o papel do foco numa jornada que voce se propoe a fazer. Pois bem, o foco é aquela força motriz interna que te leva de forma prazerosa e excitante a um objetivo traçado. Acho que todos os meus ídolos em qualquer que seja a area do conhecimento, foram pessoas que usaram este conceito melhor do que ninguém. E por isso foram pessoas que atingiram a excelencia em seus campos de atuação. Considero que a pessoa com uma mente acima da média é aquela que utiliza o foco de modo otimizado. Isto significa que apesar do trabalho arduo que isso da, que o modo como voce o aplica é que vai te dar o resultado esperado, ou pelo menos planejado. O mais incrivel é que pelo que tenho percebido em minha própria caminhada é que o foco pode ser a experiência mais divertida, excitante e desafiadora que uma pessoa pode experimentar. No momento que voce transforma o resultado do seu foco em um prazer, as coisas vão se desenrolando automaticamente. Não é preciso esforço e é como uma bola de neve, que vai aumentando a velocidade e o tamanho de sua mudança a medida que percorre o seu caminho ladeira abaixo. Tudo isso esta dentro de nosso eu interno, nossa raiz mais profunda. O modo como encaramos o mundo exterior reflete diretamente na capacidade de manter o foco sempre afiado e certeiro rumo as suas metas. Sem que voce perceba, quando voce aplica esses conceitos na pratica, os objetivos são alcançados sem que se tenha despendido um esforço grande. O grande esforço é a concepção do objetivo e o entendimento que seu estado emocional na jornada é que vai determinar o sucesso ou o fracasso. Não há nada impossivel de ser atingido até que alguem o atinja. Einstein foi quem trouxe esse conceito numa frase que considero inspiradora. Há 100 anos eu não podia sentar aqui e escrever numa tela que brilha com um teclado chamado computador. A mente humana focada é realmente ilimitada. Faz do inimiginavel, palpavel. O gosto de viver é ter foco na vida. É ter um caminho pelo qual se segue sabendo que o sabor maior não será a chegada no destino e sim a viagem até ele. Não é o diploma de médico ou de neurocirurgião que me fez feliz de verdade, quando me refiro a minha vida profissional, mas o caminho percorrido até que esse dia chegasse. Os diplomas, premios ou qualquer que seja o modo de representar uma conquista são apenas uma fração ínfima do que o caminho de fato representou para que voce chegasse aquele momento. Acho que isso se aplica também a todas as areas da vida. Hoje, estudando a vida como um conjunto de subitens que interagem entre si, posso assegurar que é muito desafiador e empolgante poder trabalhar cada um desses caminho durante o tempo que temos a oportunidade de viver como seres vivos. A "roda da vida" é um conceito que aprendi recentemente e que resume todo esse conjunto em 10 subitens: Lazer, Vida Financeira, Vida Profissional, Vida Intelectual. Vida Emocional, Vida Espiritual, Vida Fisica, Relacionamento Intimo, Relacionamento Social e Relacionamento Familiar. Convido a todos a imaginar suas vidas em cada um desses itens , se dar uma nota de 1 a 10 e tentar entender e identificar aonde focar. Essa é a graça do foco. Voce pode distribuir individualmente suas parcelas de energia para cada item e seguir numa jornada que graças a Deus nunca acaba. Sempre há degraus a se conquistara o que faz com que nunca haja um esgotamento de evolução. Sempre existirá a possibilidade de melhora, mesmo que minima em qualquer umas das areas. Por isso, a nota 10, não existe na prática para ninguem, pelo menos no nível humano. Espero e desejo a todos, sem excessão que foquem em suas vidas, e cuidem de si mesmo. O seu resultado depende da energia que voce coloca em uma determinada missão.  Eu, curiosamente, tenho os meus resultados automáticos, quando decido consciente no que focar. E acho que isso se aplica a todos, desde que exista vontade verdadeira e entrega na sua caminhada. Espero que essa reflexão faça a diferença na vida de pelos menos 1 pessoa. Esse foi meu foco ao escrever este texto. Bom domingo e boa semana!