sexta-feira, 4 de dezembro de 2015


Hello dear blog readers. Here comes one more of my reflections. I decided to use a very famous word from Einstein , relativity to give me space to brainstorm it in any direction, not only on the physics-science side of it. So be open to no standard interpretation concepts. I have experienced relativity in my life. That is why I want to give my own individual feel and tell that yes, everything you have/experience/get/lose in your life has its own relative value/significance/purpose. What I mean by that is that we can have different interpretations at different moments for the same things. Example: sometimes you meet someone and this person makes you think one way. He/she gives an opinion about a specific subject and you start to believe or not on that. Let's assume in this case you have believed in some new theory. You were convinced that this was a good way to explain or give background in regards to something you did not know before. However, as time went by, you started to challenge this. You started to notice that even though it made sense it did not work in every situation. Or it would work according to a certain choice you make. That's when the concept of relativity come into place. By constant motion in terms of intelectual self talk or learning one can figure out that something which was a complete true at one moment becomes a lie after sometime. How cool is that? I believe that this relativity of which I am talking about has to do with our adaptive nature. In practical terminology, how we can by our own choice turn something supposed to be 100% true into something meaningless. I think that the humans have this great ability to make everything relative when it does not make sense anymore, of if it does not fit into your collection of beliefs. That once said, it is obvious that Einstein used this to explain time, by clearly saying that depending on the speed you travel the time perception changes. I would like to add a more easy to grasp concept into that. I dare to hypothesize that this happens even though we are not still able to travel through any human-made machine near speed of light. However we can travel into our minds in a limitless speed. This has deep implications. It means that your perception can be altered by the speed your thoughts travel inside your own brain. Want an example? Think about the last holidays you had. The one you loved the most perhaps. Now, try to remember the 2 weeks before you were actually at that trip. How fast was the time going? Very slow, right? You were waiting and waiting and the clock just seemed to be frozen or slowed down. But finally, the time to go to the airport came and as soon as you stepped  through the check-in hall door, this speed of time perception just changed. Suddenly you were looking the watch wishing it to stop, so that you did not need to come back anymore, to your regular life. And those two weeks which were endless became  instantenous pieces of moments, and before you had time to blink your eyes, you were already back home. How come? If time is a constant physical dimension, always going forward at a constant speed, how come you could not feel it steady? Did time change? Or did you change? If your travel speed at any moment did not reach the near speed-of-light speed, it is impossible to assume that this was a physics related effect, macroscopically speaking. So, by logic conclusion, the only plausible hypothesis is that the speed of your thoughts (which turned into emotions) have a deep connection with this anomaly. For me, though, this is just an effect of our own brains playing  a joke to us. It is obvious that a life without novelty, challenge or strong emotions (in this case very positive), is perceived at different speed rates. Maybe, this has to do with the speed of thoughts "traffic" in the brain. Maybe, because the momentum of the basal normal day particles dislocations in our neuronal synapses were altered from the baseline rate, the perception just followed this disbalance, giving you a shortened time frame understanding, although you have measured it as the same length (in your wrist watch e.g.)  in comparison with the previous 2 weeks. The point is, the more movement you put into your life, mentally speaking, the faster it will go. For me this sounds great, and I am very happy to realize that this year for me was "instantaneous". I made so many new things, traveled so much, made so many new discoveries, met so many new cool people, that it is impossible to compare with times when I was bored or not in deep touch with my most profound values. And I am getting afraid (but at the same time blessed) to feel like my life is going to unfold pretty "fast", in mind time scale. It is a good and pleasant feeling, to discover you can steer your destiny and make it a sequence of "instantaneous" moments. It means, you live but you don't feel the time frame of your life sequence, making it possible to conclude that the presence into the NOW becomes your greatest tool to pursue towards a "relativity-linked life", meaning, a very fast, exciting, emotional, engaging life. I have recalled my whole year today, while laying down on my bed in the morning, and the only thing I could conclude is that I had a great year. Because, in the end I could not feel it, timely speaking. I still have many cool moments coming, and they will be as "light flashes" ending up that I can tell was the most exciting time/year of my life. I am sharing this experience, to assure that anyone, at any condition can reach this kind of experience. I am planning to continue with that, and as long I have the full control of my destiny, this can be a lot of fun to achieve. I kindly ask to all people who took the time to read this, to rethink your goals and what is the most important in life. I am not the perfect example or anything, I am just a normal, passionate guy searching for my own answers. I only want to bring people I like with. Wish to all, a great weekend. We are close to Christmas, 2016 is almost there and these times are a good opportunity to bring those issues to discussion in order to improve our future life experiences.

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