domingo, 29 de novembro de 2015


Today I decide to talk about a topic that is somehow negative, but in a positive manner. This is fear. Fear is one of the most basic human feelings we can experience. Essentially is a mechanism based on the self-preservation mode that all of us have. It leads us to the well know concept of fight or flight response, where we make a decision when facing a life threat to run away  or to fight against whatever is in front of us in order to continue to live. In the animal kingdom, this is the case in most of times, because of the limtiation of the animal’s brains and of the lack of hability to subjectively evaluate other kinds of threats. This means that they do it with the final purpose of keeping themselves alive so they can continue to carry on their physical existence. However, when it comes to humans, the mechanism of fear starts to appear much more complex. Even though, essentially it prevents us from having life threatening events, it also, in my opinion, and in the opinion of many scholars from psychology or neurosicence, may prevent us to experience the good. I have already discussed this in previous texts, but I think it deserves more insights. Imagine you have won the lottery. The first reaction is to be happy right? However, instinctively we may also at the same time experience a great fear. And if someonens finds out I am rich now? And if people want to kill me to get my money? Or if they want to get close to me just to take advantage? Or even worse, what if they come close trying to spoil my moment of glory and victory? This is just a silly example, but many situations in our lives raise this kind of paradox felling, which does not make sense, if we think only rationally about that. But, our mind and our default software program come with fear as key to the functioning of our operating system. This means, that no matter how brave you are, fear is an undeniable human feeling that cannot be completely blocked. I think that this awareness leads us to the next question. If we have fear, even when it is not necessary, and paradoxically, when we are vey happy, how should we cope with it? What is the key to incorporate this fear in out day-by-day life without loosing the great opportunities that may be blocked by this contradictory physiologic response? Well, that is where I think it comes to the understanding of what we humans have and that most animals do not. We have the choice. We can counsciouslly affect what we are and how we react. It is obvious that to fight such a primitive behavior, one must commit deeply to access and block those annoying feelings that do not match with the potential gains that sometimes are lost because we were not able to figure out how to overcome the unpleasantness of having fear. The good news, (at least it has been for me) is that we can modify, or better, atenuate such response so that we do not loose great moments in life because of fear. I think that most people function pretty much in fear mode most of the time. This comes from the early phase of our lives, when we were threatned by our parents or teatchers, with punishments, which were upleasant, and that therefore we would like to avoid. This mindset of fear modifying behavior can be translated to the adult world in situation involving people like work colleagues, relationship partners or family members, even thoug in a more hidden, subjective perspective. I believe that this is wrong. This is with no doubt the wrong way to go. To put people around you because they fear what may happen is one of the weakest manners to manipulate people. This is even clearer, when you are talking to toxic people, the so-called “energetic vampires”. They suck what is good and try to keep it under control by acts generating fear feelings. So, what is the answer to get out of this mess, and to put fear in a more proactive perspective? For me is to trust in you. This comes with loving yourself.  This comes with strenght to beat up people who want to put you down or to make you feel uncapable of achieveing your goals. Brave and focused people suffer from this, because they put fear into the weak people’s mind, so that to avoid this, they counter action to put fear into your life so they fell less fear. The fact is that the more you achieve, the more you get, the more likely will be the presence of people trying to destroy your confidence through a fear mechanism. This means: be aware of yourself and love yourself. Don’t ever give the power to someone else to provoke fear in you. And if they try, overcome it, with patience, wisdom and intelligence. Emotional development is essential to avoid fear to block you. You need to change your attention when such a problem appears in front of you. And if you are really convinced about your own value and hold your trust that everything will come allright, the chances are that, if you could not block the fear, you could at least bring it to a level where it does not stop you from being you and to achieve whatever you have planned in your life. Fear is good. Is a human feature that no one can block completely. But those who dare to face it directly and who make the option to fight it with self-development are those who will stand out of the crowd. I am already one of those who are trying this option, and the fearless choice appears to be the most adequate for those with big dreams. I wish that all of you can find that inner power to fight your fears and make them to be your next leap to a better and fullfilling life.

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