Convergência é o local onde vários pontos de vista se encontram, formando um conjunto de idéias, crenças e valores. Aqui, vocês vão achar as convergências que surgem de minha mente em forma de palavras. Tem de tudo um pouco, mas principalmente, reflexões acerca das grandes perguntas que me inquietam e me fazem melhorar e aprender continuamente. Espero que gostem e divirtam-se
domingo, 1 de novembro de 2015
Dear readers! Back to one more text. Lately I have had many random events in my life that appear to be synchronised with some kind of external power. That is why I decide today to talk about probabilities. even though my background is very basic in terms of mathematics. I want to dare that probability is really totally random. The sequence of events which has been following over and over in my life tell exactly the opposite. Many people have heard about the law of attraction or the power of positive thinking or stuff like that. This is really what I believe that can explain, at least with the knowledge we have now, this abnormality in terms of how one would expect randomness to occur. I have realized that by keeping a firm and strong sense of intention and by keeping myself grounded as much as I can, I can with any strong effort open doors and opportunities in any field of my life. This means that the statement that we have been reading in the media lately, that reality is completely dependent on the observer perspective appears to be really true. Experiments like "global consciousness project" show that by structured research design human mind can even modify the behaviour of computers, which appear to be lifeless, but in the end are able by some weird channel of communication depict signals from human emotions and thoughts. I strongly recommend people to look for it on the internet. The highest peak of altered activity on the algorithm which measured this "consciousness" activity had its most famous peak during the 9/11 terrorists attacks. And it is proved by traditional statistics that the alteration can not be explained by random probabilities. This is weird because one may think that machines are not susceptible to engage emotions from biological energy. Now, if a computer which is a bunch of circuits built around a processor can do that, imagine what those effects can do into biological life? Probabilities laws, in my particular case, are just not accurate enough to explain some "coincidences" that we consider to be random at first. I strongly believe by looking back on my own life path, that I translate into my reality what I feel and think most. This means that, during times I was mostly sad, for example, I would keep linked to people and events which would reinforce this predominant feeling. But, luckly, I got to understand that our willpower has the ability to custom build the reality as long as you realize and make an effort to change our predominant mindset. I could not imagine how this is important. Back in 2007 I guess I watched this movie "The secret". Of course there are lots of drawbacks in the movie as it is supposed to be a documentary that will generate profit to the authors. So, I think that many people were criticising the movie because of the way chosen to present such concepts that probabilities may exist, but we have an active influence to produce a skewed curved of outcomes, which is non-normal, according to our own beliefs. I found that very interesting at first. I remember I got really excited and I thought that it was the key to a happy and successful life. Indeed I tried to put that into action. However, I realised after some years of attempting that I was having some results, but because I could not keep my emotions consistently in tune with the good that could manifest, I lived in this rollercoaster of ups and downs without understanding exactly why. That was a big mystery. I remember watching the movie over and over and also reading about the subject. I had the theory in mind but I could not alter the probabilities according to the theory. To reinforce this I needed some more explanation. That's when I started also to learn about quantum physics and how thing work in the microscopic world of particles. Remember, that in the end we re all made of the same stuff (at least until now this is the common knowledge) . This means that all those discoveries about particles behaviour apply to us in our macroscopic world. After understanding that the observer (which for me means intention of keeping your predominant emotions and thoughts aligned into a specific frequency, such as happiness), can alter the behaviour of those particles clearly, backs up why we are able to create our own reality. If we are always choosing, feeling and thinking at all times of our existence it is not crazy to postulate that our predominant state of mind and emotions will unfold the events in our life according to the frequency we tune the most. That means: if you think and believe in success this will manifest. Also, if you think of failure this will also manifest. We affect the behaviour of the destiny, meaning, our power is much greater that one ever envisioned in the past. That is why I believe that probabilities as we learn in statistics may apply only when in are in a neutral state. However, the neutral state does not exist in biological beings in this planet (maybe only for a few very advanced souls like Buddha or Jesus). So, this is the fabric of existence where we, as limited biological beings can produce our life events. My wish is that we get aware that probabilities are a mathematical and logic science. But, a much more complex system play on the backstage the real rules which will determine the outcome in our lives. My life, is now much more under my own control, because I could figure out how to keep a near-steady kind of mindset to manifest mostly good things, events and people in my life. I recommend to all of you that you start to exercise your own intentions as much as you can, so that you can produce the outcomes which in turn, will make you enjoy the life at its best. Good Sunday to all!
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