Convergência é o local onde vários pontos de vista se encontram, formando um conjunto de idéias, crenças e valores. Aqui, vocês vão achar as convergências que surgem de minha mente em forma de palavras. Tem de tudo um pouco, mas principalmente, reflexões acerca das grandes perguntas que me inquietam e me fazem melhorar e aprender continuamente. Espero que gostem e divirtam-se
domingo, 6 de março de 2016
Achievement - Realização - Leistung
Dear bloggers, coming back after a small pause. The word today is achievement. Achievement has been part of my life since sometime. It took time for me to understand what is this about. I tend to think now that achievement can have many different nuances and I will try to reflect some of those in this text. If you bring to the conclusion that achievement is just a goal that was completed, you are probably meaning only the outcome, and this is very simplistic and superficial. Achievement is the whole process. In order to really state the real meaning of the word achievement, I believe we need to have a flaw, a challenge, something in our life or within you for which a development aiming an objective makes logical sense. In my case, and probably in most people's case, the great motivation is to start it all over. When something suddenly just brakes our life path in a meaningful way, the tendency is that this fact may have the potential to be our best fuel towards growth in life, and eventually an achievement will be the final result. I believe that because our evolutionary level is still somehow very primitive, to have our breakthroughs solved, is still necessary to suffer in order to achieve something. However, I believe this is only the start. If we decide after the suffering process that it was enough, and you try to be 100% committed with our own self to get better in whatever aspect, I dare to state that the suffering feelings are replaced by other more advanced evolutionary feelings towards becoming the best version of ourselves. Nothing takes out of my head that the only path to be fully satisfied with life is to work on our own flaws. That said and understood, we will have the start to begin the deep understanding behind achievement, which is the final product of our choice to change. Change is key to achieve something. On top of that, resilience, self-discipline, willpower, persistence will keep us fearless and focused. There is no way to succeed but to keep continuously trying. And failing is part of the path. No one who has achieved something good, and who could be really considered an outlier in terms of success (to the upside of the curve), have had no failures. I dare to state that failures tend to be more fruitful than the success itself. Because to reach the good, the bad was somehow necessary at the moments preceding the good. In other words, we must thank the universe and the destiny to put obstacles in our way. The secret is to see them as a great (if not the greatest opportunity) to move forward and do something in benefit of ourselves and in many cases of others as well. As soon as we see that "shit happens" but this is no big deal, we start to crave for problems to come. If everything is in place, perfect, believe me, something in our life is not in place. Maybe we are not pushing enough or our choices are not in tune with our real purposes. I believe that a great sign of development towards achievement is to feel that something is out of place. And to look at it saying from the deepest "thank you for that". It takes effort to see from a positive perspective things that are not pleasant to our eyes at first, but if we face them positively and with courage, they may become our greatest gift. The gift that our life has given us for free, so from there, we can move, and do, and be. To be is essential. To be ourselves. No fear, no restrictions, no blocks. And the achievement will come. More interestingly, at a higher level of self realization we will notice along the path that the achievement will come when we feel good. The physical representations may be e.g. a job promotion, or the fact that we could get a new house or have our first child. The "thing" itself is irrelevant, because the beauty of being unique beings, makes us incomparable to each other and the physical world is just a construct so we can see it with our brains. I think that at this stage you will start to be aware that competition is only a human mindset of something very subjective. There is no need to compare ourselves to others when we feel 100% safe on our own skin. Moreover, there is NOBODY in the world like us, and this give us a particular, single custom way of perceiving the reality without giving too much of our energy to someone's else opinion or judgment. Achievement is for me when we get to a point where we look at the mirror, we see our own reflection and we can feel from our deepest roots that it is completely enough only to exist as what we are and that all the other things society tells to be necessary are just noise. We are our greatest treasure, and that is why if we find ourselves stuck or unhappy, we will have to work this pain with wisdom to step in the direction of satisfaction and achievement that really will be forever attached to us: our own self.
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