domingo, 29 de novembro de 2015


Today I decide to talk about a topic that is somehow negative, but in a positive manner. This is fear. Fear is one of the most basic human feelings we can experience. Essentially is a mechanism based on the self-preservation mode that all of us have. It leads us to the well know concept of fight or flight response, where we make a decision when facing a life threat to run away  or to fight against whatever is in front of us in order to continue to live. In the animal kingdom, this is the case in most of times, because of the limtiation of the animal’s brains and of the lack of hability to subjectively evaluate other kinds of threats. This means that they do it with the final purpose of keeping themselves alive so they can continue to carry on their physical existence. However, when it comes to humans, the mechanism of fear starts to appear much more complex. Even though, essentially it prevents us from having life threatening events, it also, in my opinion, and in the opinion of many scholars from psychology or neurosicence, may prevent us to experience the good. I have already discussed this in previous texts, but I think it deserves more insights. Imagine you have won the lottery. The first reaction is to be happy right? However, instinctively we may also at the same time experience a great fear. And if someonens finds out I am rich now? And if people want to kill me to get my money? Or if they want to get close to me just to take advantage? Or even worse, what if they come close trying to spoil my moment of glory and victory? This is just a silly example, but many situations in our lives raise this kind of paradox felling, which does not make sense, if we think only rationally about that. But, our mind and our default software program come with fear as key to the functioning of our operating system. This means, that no matter how brave you are, fear is an undeniable human feeling that cannot be completely blocked. I think that this awareness leads us to the next question. If we have fear, even when it is not necessary, and paradoxically, when we are vey happy, how should we cope with it? What is the key to incorporate this fear in out day-by-day life without loosing the great opportunities that may be blocked by this contradictory physiologic response? Well, that is where I think it comes to the understanding of what we humans have and that most animals do not. We have the choice. We can counsciouslly affect what we are and how we react. It is obvious that to fight such a primitive behavior, one must commit deeply to access and block those annoying feelings that do not match with the potential gains that sometimes are lost because we were not able to figure out how to overcome the unpleasantness of having fear. The good news, (at least it has been for me) is that we can modify, or better, atenuate such response so that we do not loose great moments in life because of fear. I think that most people function pretty much in fear mode most of the time. This comes from the early phase of our lives, when we were threatned by our parents or teatchers, with punishments, which were upleasant, and that therefore we would like to avoid. This mindset of fear modifying behavior can be translated to the adult world in situation involving people like work colleagues, relationship partners or family members, even thoug in a more hidden, subjective perspective. I believe that this is wrong. This is with no doubt the wrong way to go. To put people around you because they fear what may happen is one of the weakest manners to manipulate people. This is even clearer, when you are talking to toxic people, the so-called “energetic vampires”. They suck what is good and try to keep it under control by acts generating fear feelings. So, what is the answer to get out of this mess, and to put fear in a more proactive perspective? For me is to trust in you. This comes with loving yourself.  This comes with strenght to beat up people who want to put you down or to make you feel uncapable of achieveing your goals. Brave and focused people suffer from this, because they put fear into the weak people’s mind, so that to avoid this, they counter action to put fear into your life so they fell less fear. The fact is that the more you achieve, the more you get, the more likely will be the presence of people trying to destroy your confidence through a fear mechanism. This means: be aware of yourself and love yourself. Don’t ever give the power to someone else to provoke fear in you. And if they try, overcome it, with patience, wisdom and intelligence. Emotional development is essential to avoid fear to block you. You need to change your attention when such a problem appears in front of you. And if you are really convinced about your own value and hold your trust that everything will come allright, the chances are that, if you could not block the fear, you could at least bring it to a level where it does not stop you from being you and to achieve whatever you have planned in your life. Fear is good. Is a human feature that no one can block completely. But those who dare to face it directly and who make the option to fight it with self-development are those who will stand out of the crowd. I am already one of those who are trying this option, and the fearless choice appears to be the most adequate for those with big dreams. I wish that all of you can find that inner power to fight your fears and make them to be your next leap to a better and fullfilling life.

sexta-feira, 20 de novembro de 2015


Hello blog readers. Today I am writing in a different time and mood. It is friday evening and I decided to write about syntony. I think this concept is already well discussed in all my last texts, but I believe there is some points still to be developed. When I say syntony I mean a match. Something that takes  you out of the comfort zone, makes you feel something, no matter if it is good or bad. An engagement which appears out of your main predominant state of being. It is interesting to point out that many of us do not get to control this in a positive way. The syntony you insist to have is the one which will manifest in the end. No matter if you are aware or conscious of it or not. I think that by exercising your mind to understand this property can lead you to a greater fulfilment  in life. It is a step-by-step process meaning that once we get to decide our main prevalent syntony with the environment, we get a wider comphreension of the world and of ourselves. It is so easy to lose syntony with something you like towards something you actually do not. Feelings like fear, anger, disappointment, rage, insecurity, and many others can have a deep impact in your syntony to others and to life events. I try nowadays to keep focused only in the unique part of me that I can control 100%: my own self. I have realized more and more that by keeping my direction aligned with myself, without actually getting angry if others do not agree or please me, is what makes my syntony to what really matters possible. Our culture has some weird ways of discourage such mindsets. I truly believe in our own capacity to be able to solve our most intriguing questions with help of others, but with independency and originality at the same time. The syntony is much more a matter of how much you can keep being yourself without giving others the power that belongs to you,  in a way that by self aligning what you are with what you want the things which you get end up being much more pleasant and cool to experience. I know that many people actually give others much more power than they deserve. This is a big mistake, because when you are not yourself in name of other human being, you may make them feel good at a cost of not being completely you. The choice of using masks or playing a character to be accepted is simply killing your power and making your syntony dysfunctional and sick. It is very easy to perceive whether you are in syntony with yourself or not. Just look around. Take a look at your life with honesty and no judgment. This allows you to see your life from a third person perspective. Do you see a good picture? Does it make you feel happy about you? Is it aligned to your most deep needs and values? In summary does it feel as good as it could? If not, then you can pretty much conclude that something is out of place. It can be anything, from work to relationships. But that is the start to pursue the syntony in life. To be honest, to find your own values and try to look at them in terms of your actual life. Are you around people with similar goals? Are they brilliant or mediocre? They reinforce your qualities or they insist in point out your mistakes and limitations? What is the majority of things you talk about to one another? If you pay attention to every small feature from your life style and how things unfold to you, you will be able to create or at least start to walk towards a balanced life where you will feel this syntony in place. I have noticed every day things that I do not like about me. Old behaviours and the feelings of lack still come from time to time in my mind, making me realize that at least at that particular moment I am out of tune. But on the other hand, I got an ability to look at those flaws with no fear of seeing something that I do not like. Instead, these realizations are the key to solve the issues which contribute to my disbalance  leading to a life with no syntony. Today I am very happy to see that I can see my defects and play with them. Make a joke out of it. Sometimes get angry to repeat patterns that do not fit anymore, but that insist in coming back to my mind due to old beliefs. However, my message is that syntony achievement goes through this never ending  kind of process. Every day, every minute, every fraction of our life. And it never will end. This is the energy source of our own existence. Those who do not get lost in this concept and accept the imperfection with patience and persistence to work on it will ultimately get to a better syntony. With people, with events, but essentially with themselves. Always  fight for yourself and your principles. Those in the end are the most important learning tools that you will take from this dimension of existence to the eternity. Wish all a very good weekend and a nice evening!

domingo, 8 de novembro de 2015


As following incredible events on my life, I want today to talk about reality. Reality as we experience is the perception our brain makes out of its ability to interpret, decode and process data from our environment and to transform it in to electrical signals so that we can give a meaning to it. But it is this really true? Is what we see with our body machinery all that really exists? I find amazing that someone has designed our physical body to depict the world be means of a  central processor. The same applies to any computer we know, but what differentiates us from them is our self counsciousness. Luckily we have been gifted with a unique driving force to command the body. And the reality interpretation comes from this particular way each of us look at the outer world. But again, what do we really know about the brain? Much more than in any particular time of history of course. But how can we be sure that our methods of measurement in fact can be accurate enough and generate data that will be meaningful and represent into numbers a so abstract kind of equipment? What is love from a scientific point of view for example? Is a bunch of chemicals popping up in a non-random sequence, which change our resting state of homeostasis and brings us to call it a "very pleasant and deep feeling". However, science tried to give scales, numbers, images and all kind of approaches that our brain analysis methods can grasp  in order to give  some kind of association with what we see, hear and so on, essentially everything we experience. I am starting to challenge this concept because of studying the brain. As my research deals with pain, and I am studying the brain signals related to it, it just becomes now clear that there are brain areas associated with pain experience, but they are far more complex than ever imagined. To translate it in to numbers makes sense when doing research, but it makes absolute complete no meaning if it is brought into the philosophical realms. So reality is much more than a simple brain signal or an image showing an area of activation. It is the active role of the individual through a physical piece of human tissue, the brain, and then correlated with the individual's own interpretation. Reality is also not only where our brain can go. It is way beyond, and if theories such as the physics "string theory" is correct, we have still 8 hyper dimensions above or packing our 3D reality. So, my point is: not everything that you cannot see, hear, taste, smell or fell in your skin is "out of reality". This is so strong that I can see the effects of it in what happens to me very often nowadays. As stated in my last text, probability, I see the reality breaking the rules of mathematics by delivering skewed outcomes when we try to use standard statistics to give logic to it. So reality becomes a bit more tricky than it seems, and not only random. In essence, I can now state through what I have experienced, that the reality matches whatever you decide to. But, the match must be precise in order of it to come and manifest in your life. The secret is to match and create coherence in your brain waves, creating a patterned logical code, which ultimately will construct what we call reality. But the more advanced  your get, the more into the hyper dimensions you need to get in oder to achieve your best desires. I strongly believe that reality is a membrane of our most predominant emotions. There is in my opinion a   particle-related coherence in emotions, which will give you the reality you experience in our 3D world. But why not  to consider assessing the higher 8 dimensions as well? Would it not be cool to find out that we can not only get the reality through our 5 senses but actually through a much higher unknown fabric of physical representation of reality? I am now trying to play with it. When I take decisions I am influencing what comes. When I think of an upcoming event, or of a certain person, I am also giving my reality a sort of direction. This is what reality is now by using this new paradigm. Is a screen of images/sounds/tastes/smells/skin sensations designed to give us at our current development stage at the moment the best possible tools to evolve. Think and try to imagine what drives their curiosity, their will for more, better, for completion. My message today is this: Reality is whatever you decide it to be. In other words, even though there are always uncontrolled events in our life, deep down, if you really investigate, you will see that a certain event is actually a reflexion of whatever is flowing through your mind in terms of brain activity. So, what about give a try to play with that? Do meditation. Give to others without expecting anything in return. Take your masks out and face who you really are with no fear or resentment. Interestingly, the outside world will be the same, but your interpretation of reality will turn upside down, hopefully to your own profit. Wish all a great sunday!

domingo, 1 de novembro de 2015


Dear readers! Back to one more text. Lately I have had many random events in my life that appear to be synchronised with some kind of external power. That is why I decide today to talk about probabilities. even though my background is very basic in terms of mathematics. I want to dare that probability is really totally random. The sequence of events which has been following over and over in my life tell exactly the opposite. Many people have heard about the law of attraction or the power of positive thinking or stuff like that. This is really what I believe that can explain, at least with the knowledge we have now, this abnormality in terms of how one would expect randomness to occur. I have realized that by keeping a firm and strong sense of intention and by keeping myself grounded as much as I can, I can with any strong effort open doors and opportunities in any field of my life. This means that the statement that we have been reading in the media lately, that reality is completely dependent on the observer perspective appears to be really true. Experiments like "global consciousness project" show that by structured research design human mind can even modify the behaviour of computers, which appear to be lifeless, but in the end are able by some weird channel of communication depict signals from human emotions and thoughts. I strongly recommend people to look for it on the internet. The highest peak of altered activity on the algorithm which measured this "consciousness" activity had its most famous peak during the 9/11 terrorists attacks. And it is proved by traditional statistics that the alteration can not be explained by random probabilities. This is weird because one may think that machines are not susceptible to engage emotions from biological energy. Now, if a computer which is a bunch of circuits built around a processor can do that, imagine what those effects can do into biological life? Probabilities laws, in my particular case, are just not accurate enough to explain some "coincidences" that we consider to be random at first. I strongly believe by looking back on my own life path, that I translate into my reality what I feel and think most. This means that, during times I was mostly sad, for example, I would keep linked to people and events which would reinforce this predominant feeling. But, luckly, I got to understand that our willpower has the ability to custom build the reality as long as you realize and make an effort to change our predominant mindset. I could not imagine how this is important. Back in 2007 I guess I watched this movie "The secret". Of course there are lots of drawbacks in the movie as it is supposed to be a documentary that will generate profit to the authors. So, I think that many people were criticising the movie because of the way chosen to present such concepts that probabilities may exist, but we have an active influence to produce a skewed curved of outcomes, which is non-normal, according to our own beliefs.  I found that very interesting at first. I remember I got really excited and I thought that it was the key to a happy and successful life. Indeed I tried to put that into action. However, I realised after some years of attempting that I was having some results, but because I could not keep my emotions consistently in tune with the good that could manifest, I lived in this rollercoaster of ups and downs without understanding exactly why. That was a big mystery. I remember watching  the movie over and over and also reading about the subject. I had the theory in mind but I could not alter the probabilities according to the theory. To reinforce this I needed some more explanation. That's when I started also to learn about quantum physics and how thing work in the microscopic world of particles. Remember, that in the end we re all made of the same stuff (at least until now this is the common knowledge) . This means that all those discoveries about particles behaviour apply to us in our macroscopic world. After understanding that the observer (which for me means intention of keeping your predominant emotions and thoughts  aligned into a specific frequency, such as happiness), can alter the behaviour of those particles clearly, backs up why we are able to create our own reality. If we are always choosing, feeling and thinking at all times of our existence it is not crazy to postulate that our predominant state of mind and emotions will unfold the events in our life according to the frequency we tune the most. That means: if you think and believe in success this will manifest. Also, if you think of failure this will also manifest. We affect the behaviour of the destiny, meaning, our power is much greater that one ever envisioned in the past. That is why I believe that probabilities as we learn in statistics may apply only when in are in a neutral state. However, the neutral state does not exist in biological beings in this planet (maybe only for a few very advanced souls like Buddha or Jesus). So, this is the fabric of existence where we, as limited biological beings can produce our life events. My wish is that we get aware that probabilities are a mathematical and logic science. But, a much more complex system play on the backstage the real rules which will determine the outcome in our lives. My life, is now much more under my own control, because I could figure out how to keep a near-steady kind of mindset to manifest mostly good things, events and people in my life. I recommend to all of you that you start to exercise your own intentions as much as you can, so that you can produce the outcomes which in turn, will make you enjoy the life at its best. Good Sunday to all!