quinta-feira, 25 de agosto de 2016


Today I am back. Since 2 weeks I came back to Brazil. And because of this 100% change in my life that is happening right now I decided to write about courage. Courage is to live in the abscence of fear. That is the most amazing decision someone can take in life. Unfortunately,we are taught since early age to fear. To back off when something or someone is going to cause you pain or debt. That is the worst option for you to overcome yourself. When you walk away from your pain, your are in fact saying no to yourself. You are saying no to the things that you know that need to be fixed. You are saying no to destroy the misconception that the only way is the safe way. I completely disagree with this statement. For me, the best way is the way you face the fears with courage. Courage is the attitude, which is deeply associated with fullness. 

The courageous people are those who challenge the mainstream beliefs. The more traditional way of behaving, of making choices, in the essence of living. Our time frame in this existence is very short. Because of that, there is no time to think too much and  to give up on something, which at first seems crazy or ridiculous. In fact, when people laugh at your dreams is a good sign. Is a sign that you can dream where others can only see problems or difficulties. A  courageous person is strong in every aspect. Is a person with personality. Is someone who faces the challenges positively, and who never give up until everything has been attempted. A courageous person has a magnetic attraction. He can attract everything to the reality, in the way he chooses. This happens because all boundaries are completely set to the side, and new rules are applied in order to make things and thoughts to become a reality. In fact, they like to be challenged because they will develop the courage to change perspectives to achieve the goals they have. And no matter who or what problem tries to stop him, he moves forward. He is like a gladiator, a fighter, a jedi. 

Because in the heart of a coraugeous person lies a spirit of happiness and strenght, There are some turn downs yes, but they do not stop him.  Even very hard hits from life cannot make them to fall. A corageous person goes with the natural flow of things. He can perceive much more than the majority. This happens because his awareness is wider and more adaptable. He can change directions quickly and use his skills to change plans, change the reality to a better one. There is no loss. Loss is an oportunity to learn. In fact, corageous people live on their failures, because they do not give up and therefore, they keep going no matter what.  In the end, the most amazing sign of courage (and I have already mentioned this in other texts in the past) is tha ability to be vulnerable and to show yourself as you are. People are afraid and do not have the courage to show what they are. They prefer to play a game where they are only caracters of some ideal role, which is not the true self they are. The true self fails. He has a lot of difficulties, defects and limitations. But those do give him something to proceed and to win. The victory comes when you find and accept from deep that you are a limited being. You have fears. The greatest courage is perhaps the acceptance of fear. And then the fear is transformed in one different dimension, which is not a negative one anymore.It is a positive, good energy that works as a fuel  towards  new endeavours. Only those who are brave can actually go through such an adventure. Finally, this is very individually tailored, but the way you face it will make all the difference through the adventure of life. I am now living a very challenging situation, but somehow, I face it with positivity to the best I can. It is not easy, true, and that is why very few decide to try. Thus,  the courageous people will gather something the cowards or the actors of life don't: experiences. And those are the only gifts that can NEVER be stolen from you. It is the only true treasure we collect through this life. I am gathering many experiences and I wish to all that with courage you can also collect this priceless gift that we are offered from life.

domingo, 7 de agosto de 2016



The word today is duality. It has been sometime since I wrote my last post. This was due to many reasons, but projects like this are for the lifetime and never end. So let's move on. The word duality is a good pick to make a wide discussion. We have been bombarded with news every day, and they are more or less divided into two groups: good and bad news. We are also a dual society in many aspects. There are always the hard worker and the lazy, the honest and the cheater, the good guy and the evil, the selfish and the generous. The list is endless. The point is that duality is the way we organize many of our day by day activities. We prioritize what is very important and postpone or cancel those things that are not so meaningful or heart catching. The problem with duality is that it works in many occasions as a binary system, similarly as computer language works: you either classify something as 1 or 0. That is very extreme in a sense that in between you have a full range of options, which are also in the end valid options. I usually have problems to figure out someone's else real message because of that. Maybe a 1 to me is a 0.6 to you. Or the 0 to you is a 0.7 to me. This leads to a very important issue: communication skills. Many of our misunderstandings in life occur due to the misinterpretation of duality. This means that I may say "the sun is yellow" and in your mind may wrong interpret "the sun is blue". This usually happens because the duality scale from the receiver and the person who talks are not matching. This creates a lot of problematic events, which lead us to face unnecessary problems. The core problem end up being how to put out the message in a way that you can achieve a "close" to universal binary communication system, where the receiver can really understand in its completeness what is being informed. In the era of instantaneous messaging or e-mails this becomes more tricky. The binary system of a text or a what's app is far more difficult to interpret. That said, it is much wiser to give information in person or through skype when the information involves complex issues, especially those involving conflicting feelings. Duality awareness is a term that I want to come with. This concept would  essentially lead to this: It is important, do not text, talk. It is no major issue: texting is fine. However, here comes another problem: Once you decided to classify something into important or not you are again "binarizing" ! So, if we think deeper, that means that we are in an infinite dimensions matrix of binary options that are impossible to predict. Each one of us runs a different operating system in our brains, due to the beauty of individuality. This a nature law, which cannot be changed. It makes even identic twins, with the same DNA code in their bodies, behave slightly or even completely different. The best way to reverse the bias of this matrix is to develop a very important emotional skill: empathy. Empathy demands you to work from your matrix to understand a different person matrix, trying to cope at the best possible way.  In real life the goal is to match what the receiver would feel or think when you do or tell something. Probably the best practical rule for that to work in practical situations is to follow one of the bible's laws: do to others exactly what you would like that they would do to you. Or even better: do to others what you would do to yourself. This does not guarantee that the outcome will be 100% successful. But at least you will be based on a theoretical framework, which seems to be reliable: your own set of values, (hopefully towards the good side of the options range, unless you are a masoquist!). Then it comes to the quintessential skill: to know yourself. With self-development you are able to act more authentically. With no masks. "Raw" you. So duality is there, ever was and ever will be. But in the information era, is almost a mortal sin to communicate inefficiently with others. Especially the close ones, family, work colleagues and mainly your love partner. So realize that your binary matrix is different. Accept it. And from that try to observe how to empathize with others by applying your own values mirrored into a different human being. By showing your nude identity you may still fail, but you will eventually succeed. If you fail a certain feeling will arise from deep: I did what I am. That, my friends, is priceless. Nice Sunday to all!