sexta-feira, 5 de fevereiro de 2016


Hello blog readers. Here comes another of my reflexions. The word today is eternity. Well, to talk about eternity, a so abstract concept, one must before start with the basics. The word eternity makes sense, only and really only if one considers that nothing has ever been created in the past and that no end is going to happen in the future, in what we call time continuum. That being said, we already can start to question over some of our common sense postulates.

First, and maybe the most mysterious drawback we have now is our complete ignorance when it comes to explain the nature of our reality. For me, the main limitation would be that our "advanced" physical body would be incapable of interpreting things, ideas and subjectivity that seem to be be included in some "space" that we cannot comprehend given our machinery technical obsolescence.  Following that, due to a physical principle that no energy is created, neither lost, only changes states, all that is out there, including biological life, has always been there. Probably, in some different format, consistency or range of vibration. So perhaps the recordings from life forms in the past that we have tracked with the scientific development we achieved are too rudimental to depict all the records from the past that  in fact may have occurred.  When looking back, we are very limited. The fact, that for example, we may have pyramids in the south pole, may change completely our own history as a planet, civilization  and as a species (check in google). A very small change in the tracking records we have can therefore give some more hints of what is this eternity.

Religious beliefs, especially those claiming reincarnation or spiritual ascent consider that makes no logic, from a philosophical perspective to consider this life to be as the only one, limited, closed and driven by no purpose, if one accepts that it ends after physical degradation and death of the body. But, coming back to the beginning, if no energy can be created nor destroyed, it makes sense that it was just exchanged to another set of rules kind of energetic world. Some say spiritual world, heaven, paradise or whatever. The name is really not important. Why all this? Why and for what reasons would someone construct a thing without beginning or end? Instinctively, what we do in life? We always try to progress. In our professional, personal, or whatever field of our life. Being that true, (as I have noticed in everybody), it is now the time to realize the reason or the eternity as an entity. So what moves us is essentially our own unexplainable willpower to evolve to someplace/somehow/somewhat better condition than now. Thus, eternity brings the real beauty and illumination path, of nature existence, within our own understanding capabilities (determined by our levels of intelligence, moral evolution and also by our processing power limit from the body. Whatever/whoever/whenever has design all of this, made with a purpose. Time as defined by humans is nothing really. The process of evolution in our stage of understanding has been designed to occur like that, and that is probably the reason why our minds perceive a time construct.

I believe that there is a strong association with what we are and what we can experience. In the last 200 years the exponential technology boom has allowed humans to experience much more than ever. At this very moment, I am sitting in one cafe, connected to the world wide web, being able to find/to communicate/to do whatever. I am wearing a bluetooth headphone connected to my smartphone, listening to a record from my favorite band that was released yesterday all over the world and that I already have now in my music collection. Given this is a 2015 common thing (which was impossible less than some years ago) we can realize how humankind is evolving. But how this affects us? By allowing the awakening to new forms of "information processing" that the body surely has, which in consequence of this nature rule, has also to evolve. That is why many people are in the "search" nowadays of extra dimensions, UFO associated societies or where we go / what happens to our self when we die. I put myself in this quest. Eternity is therefore a good thing, if not the best thing that we should have in mind when facing such questions. You have all of the "time" which will never end at your disposal (in spite of having an opinion that this interpretation might be a small piece of the whole recipe), the solution is just to keep moving forward.

The logic luckily brings us the absolute certainty that no matter what you do, right or wrong , fast or slow, to the good or to the bad, you will MOVE forward, at your own speed, and depending on your freedom of CHOICES.  That is how , in my view, we can interpret this right now. Hopefully, the species will evolve and bring new ways for us to experience all of this we call life. Eternity, in the end, should makes us fearless and willing to risk. I hope this all does not sound too crazy for you, but I found it was important to write about this now, because of my moment and also because I think that the more we reflect on such subjects, no matter if completely right or completely wrong,the more we are giving the opportunity to our brains/spirits/souls to look for a better life. May all have a great sunday!

2 comentários:

  1. Olá Dr. Marcos! por favor não deixe de escrever no site o Segredo,gosto de ler seu ponto de vista,suas experiências. Como não leio inglês,mas adoraria ver em português também rs!!! Gratidão :)

  2. Olá Dr. Marcos! por favor não deixe de escrever no site o Segredo,gosto de ler seu ponto de vista,suas experiências. Como não leio inglês,mas adoraria ver em português também rs!!! Gratidão :)
