domingo, 13 de março de 2016


Dear blog readers. Today it is a special day for Brazil. Those who are brazilians have been following the corruption scandal involving the former president, Lula and the worker's Party. I want to do now a reflexion using this as background theme, but in one attempt to expand the real complexities under the term freedom in my view. To start, I want to say that I consider myself free to write and to think on my own way. As this is a reflexion about freedom, I am also considering that many may not agree and I respect their freedom to choose so, with no bad feelings. What I think is happening is that the concept of freedom has been lately taken in to the wrong direction. Many of us believe that freedom is the possibility to do whatever we want without asking someone's else opinion and in accordance to our own desires. In humans, this system is way too complex. The variables are in my view not possibly to be organized in such a way where we can eliminate all the bias. The perceivable bias relies mainly on where we were born, how we were raised/in what kind of culture and what were the values/beliefs thought to us along our childhood and adolescence in order to create our  adult identity. Add to  that the fact that this is also not enough to explain everything. In my studies of many writers and alternative science readings I have found out that the concept of self-construction goes way beyond any boundaries we know in formal academia. I would include, even though there is no scientific proof, that we have a self-awareness identity even before we were born. I dare to suggest that because of biological reasons. When we get to check two identical twins, with exact the same DNA code into their billions of cells, we should assume that they should develop at least similar if not identical personalities constructs, given the fact they are usually raised togheter. In practice, we NEVER see that. They are always different individuals. Therefore, something before the conception may have come along with this new physical body.  This concept comes from one of my inspirational teachers, Dr. Sergio Felipe de Oliveira, a brazilian doctor who is interested in the study of the pineal gland. In his opinion the reason for our self is the presence of the spirit (and I agree with that, even though no one has ever "proved" the existence of a spirit through a measurement, either photography, thermal camera or spectral analysis of any kind). Moreover, especially nowadays, the access to vast amount of information allows us to modify concepts and beliefs in light speed if we compare to 30 years ago. The personal resiliency is much more present nowadays, because we can prove or disprove something very quickly (not by googling of course, but by doing a deeper research over the internet). Freedom then is a mix of complex components, playing a role togheter. In the end freedom creates a unique  musical piece of values, which is individually tailored and never identical (even in biologically identical organisms as stated above).
Then it comes to how we manifest our freedom. We learned through or life journey all that we know now and then we want to apply those values to our day-by-day life. And at the moment we express our choices, backgrounded by our freedom, we are already in disagreement with anyone next to us. This is inevitable. It is human nature not to think the same way in comparison to other human being. This is in my view the way the nature has created mankind, to challenge all human life in one attempt to ascend as biological life. As far as science has reached to date, there is no reason to discredit that we are in this world to get better (as we systematically try every day to improve, e.g. in my case to become a better doctor by doing a PhD). So, freedom is never 100%. Even when we do not tell anything. The freedom to remain silent is maybe a high level of freedom, because it demands a high amount of self discipline. When we feel that someone has been unfair to us, as an instinct behavior, we react with self defense mechanisms, aiming homeosthasis, aiming  to prove our beliefs, aiming  to decrease our anxiety, aiming to be right  and ultimately to feel that our freedom allowed us to be different and express ourselves. When we judge someone's else action (or no action) we are actually hurting their universal right to be free according to their own set of rules. And the concept of wrong or right is then buried. Let's remember that laws are human created. They prevent us to do/act someways considered to be inappropriate, wrong. Bringing now Brazil's situation to the context, I feel that the people in the country are strongly lost in the way they express freedom. And this creates violence, war, hate and anger.  Naturally, it is very sad  to see our politicians being so unaware of those basic rules of choices. Freedom should be regulated on a set of rules that does not exist at the moment. Even though this is not a religious driven text (apart from the fact that I believe in a supreme intelligence that has created all of what we experience), I imagine that the Bible's quotation "do for the others what you would like them to do for you" makes an absolute sense. Even for atheists. It creates a possibility to have a self-developed set of rules that is standardized on our own unique values. With exception of some people with psychiatric disorders who are inclined to commit  self-destructive behaviours, the majority of people do not want to put themselves down. They wish instead to get better, to feel good, to be happy and to continuously improve until they die.  That is the fuel that makes me to get up everyday and it should be the aim of everybody. So freedom is not a comprehensible concept at this point of time. This is the reason so many discussion still raises out of divergent opinions. The real truth, as stated by the courts of justice and which is the final outcome justice pursues is also far from be understood by our limited minds. The absolute truth will never exist in my opinion, in any subject. And that is also the reason we should try to build a relative truth based on the prevalent beliefs we develop through the big adventure of being a human. I wish that today the brazilians can step forward towards a more balanced sense of justice, where the individual values can resonate in one big act and represent the relative truth that may take the country out of the situation. With no ideology from political parties.  To conclude, I wish that the invisible dimensions and universes (those already being proposed by physicists) which are way beyond our understanding may have a certain degree of influence over the outcome of such a big event, and that this "inspirational" energies that we cannot still grasp consciously, can bring  discernment  to people and wisdom  for them to make the best choice towards the future of the country, which will change as the freedom concepts of its people change.

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